The "L" word.

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The kids are 14 in this one shot.

Even though el was now 14 and nearly 15, no one had ever explained to her what love meant. It bugged her everyday, but she never came round to asking anyone.

Ever since Eleven lived at the wheelers, her and Nancy had been extremely close. When mike was having "guy nights" with the boys el would always watch romantic movies with Nancy as they cried together about the 2 characters that fell in love.
Throughout all the movies el didn't just cry, she also watched carefully of how the characters acted with each other. She thought things to herself like:
•Why do they press their lips together?
•Why do they act differently around each other?
•Why do they only do these things with one person and not everyone else?

But the question eleven mostly asked herself is:
What is "I love you"?

It was bothering her so much that she finally asked Nancy what it was. Nancy easily told her everything.

"Well. People who are in love usually do things like hug and kiss, they always hang around together and they only love that one person. But you can also love people in a friend way." Nancy explained.

"So do me and mike love each other then?" El asked with one eyebrow raised.

Nancy froze for a second realising that this meant that her little brother had actually kissed a girl and that he never even told her about it.

"I'm pretty sure you love each other el. I can tell mike loves you at least." Nancy smiled at el.

"But mikes never said 'I love you' before" el frowned.

El was confused, because people like hopper, Joyce and The boys always said they love her whenever they have to leave her or hopper has to go to work, but she always wondered why the freckled boy, Mike Wheeler, had never said he loves her.

"Well, love is a very strong word, saying I love you for the first time is a big thing especially for someone your age if you like someone a lot. It's declaring that you care about them and you always will." Nancy explained further.

El understood now, but she was still heart broken.
Did mike not love her?
She knew for sure that she loved mike, and she was going to tell him.

"El! Do you want to come play with me and the boys?!" Mike shouted from the bottom of the stairs up to el.

"Yeah! I'm coming!" El shouted back down to him as she hugged nancy and ran down the stairs to mike.

She hugged him tightly and gave him a quick peck on the lips.

"I thought you wanted to hang out with the boys?" El wondered.

"Yeah well I missed you.." mike blushed.

El smiled before taking mikes hand and running down the basement stairs with him.

"Hey el!" The boys all said in sync as they were setting up a game of D&D. El smiled to them and she sat down on one of the 5 chairs.

"Wanna play with us? We were just about to start." Will asked.

"Yeah sure!" El chirped as she got comfortable.
Mike soon sat down next to her.

"You okay?" Mike asked el with a smile.

"Yeah. But, mike?" El looked at the ground and fiddled with her fingers.

"Yeah?" Mike asked, he looked quite scared actually.

"I love you..." El looked up at him.

Mikes eyes went wide and his mouth opened slightly.

Dustin quickly spat out his orange juice and lucas started laughing uncontrollably.


"how does it feel mike?! El said I love you before you did!!" Lucas laughed hysterically.

El started tearing up as mike wasn't saying anything back. He was just frozen with red cheeks. El thought that she'd done something wrong.

"Mike? You don't love me?" El teared up.

"Yeah mike?! Do you love el or not?!" Dustin smirked.

Mike just kept death staring the two laughing boys at the other end of the table. He wanted to hit them both square in the nose. Mike hadn't made eye contact with el since she asked the question. This made her upset, like mike hated her or something.

"Woah guys stop being so mean. Let's go upstairs and leave them alone for a bit." Will piped up.

The other boys agreed as they still laughed.

"Don't forget to tell us when your done sucking face with el mikey boy! I want to finish my sandwich- ow!" Dustin laughed but groaned as Lucas punched him in the shoulder.

"That was for being annoying." Lucas laughed as they bickered even more before walking up the basement stairs and shutting the door.

It was only mike and el left in the room.

As soon as they were gone mike looked straight at el, until he suddenly leaned in touching els cheek and kissed her passionately. Saying She was shocked is an understatement.

They pulled away as they looked into each others eyes and chuckled.

"I love you too, el.." mike whispered back.


I've been writing really depressing one shots lately so here's a cute fluffy one to make up for it😂 by the way feel free to comment any requests!

Until the next one shot!

Stay strange!💕

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