Since you've been gone (ii)

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"I missed you el, you don't even understand.." mike whispered softly into els ear. They were still hugging until mike pulled away to look at her eyes and put his hands on her warm cheeks.

"I do understand mike." She said gently, tears falling down her face until mike wipes them away.

"How?" He asked.

"I saw you, I saw you every night when you tried to talk to me and I saw how frustrated you got when I didn't answer you. I heard every word you said." El explained.

"Why didn't you tell me you were there? That you were okay?" Mike wondered.

"Because I wouldn't let her." A deep voice came from the front door, the kids turned around to see hopper stood in the doorway and mike looked angry, really angry.

"You!" Mike bellowed.

"Kid, calm down-" hopper surrendered.

"No! You knew where she was all this time and you never told me!" Mike started.

"The more people know about her the more danger she's in." Hopper stayed calm but his voice started to raise a little.

El stood behind them watching the argument, not knowing what was happening.

"Oh great thank you so much! The only people who would know about her would've been me and you! It's not like I would've gone around town telling everyone that there's a girl living in a cabin in the woods!" Mike yelled.

"Look kid I'm not asking you to thank me! I'm asking you to try and understand." Hoppers voice raised.

"I don't! I don't understand!" Mike threw his hands up in the air.

"That's fine! That's fine! Just do not blame her!" Hopper mildly pointed at el.

"I don't blame her I blame you! I blame you!" Mike shouted.

"That's ok kid. That's ok." Hopper scoffed and looked at mike menacingly.

"No! Nothing about this is okay! Nothing about this it okay!!-" Mike pushed hopper as hard as he could.
"Your a stupid disgusting lying piece of shit!" Mike kept punching hopper in the stomach.
"Liar! Liar! Liar!"

Hopper grabbed mike into a hug as mike started sobbing.

"I'm sorry kid. I'm sorry."

Hopper looked at el with sorrow in his eyes. He realised how much this boy loved el.

Mike pulled away from hoppers hug and hopper held his shoulders.

"You can see her whenever you want. But whatever you do you can't tell anyone that she's here. Not your mom, not your friends. It risks her being taken away from those government bastards." He ordered.

Mike nodded his head, and then went over to give el another hug. She buried her head in mikes chest.

"Uh. I'm going back to work now, you can stay here mike but you can't take her out of this cabin." Hopper ordered again.

Mike nodded and hopper walked out of the house and closed the door behind him.
Mike and eleven laid Down together on the sofa cuddling, els head and hand were resting on mikes chest and she could feel his steady heartbeat.

He stroked her fluffy brown curls and cuddled close to her.

"I can't believe your actually here. I'm never going to let anything bad happen to you ever again." Mike whispered, but el was already asleep. She made little noises when she breathed. Mike laughed to himself quietly before drifting off to sleep himself with the love of his life wrapped in his arms.

Mike loves that girl with all his heart, and he would do anything to keep her safe.

This is the part 2 you guys requested! Sorry it's really short but it's super cute!

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