I want you

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"Mike stop!!" El hopper squealed with laughter as mike threw another pile of autumn leaves at her.

"Make me!" Mike laughed as he chased after eleven with another pile of leaves in his hands.

"You're going to regret saying that!" El rejoiced and picked up an even bigger pile of leaves and hit mike right in the face with it.

"Now you're gonna regret doing that!" Mike scoffed with laughter and shook his head, before running at the girl and picking her up by the waist and putting her over his shoulder.

She kicked and giggled with joy, trying to get free.

"Put me down!" She joked.

"If you say so!" Mike let her down and she fell into a pile of leaves, but she quickly pulled mike down with her.

They laid there next to each other in the field of brown autumn leaves trying to catch their breaths. El watched fascinated as she saw her misty breaths exit her mouth from how cold it was.

She turned her head to the right and looked over to mike, but he had already beaten her to it. He was staring at her in awe.

"You're staring." El smirked.

"How can I not? You're beautiful." Mike admitted truthfully.

El blushed and let out a soft laugh, before moving closer to mike and holding his hand as they both stared up at the sky and trees, which were left with several leaves that were hanging by threads in the cold breeze.

"El, I have to admit something to you." Mike looked over at her nervously.

"Anything." El listened closely.

"I've been keeping it in for a while now. And if I'm honest I've been wanting to tell you for a while, I just- I needed to find the right time, and I think now is that time." Mike smiled.

"Well whatever it is you can tell me. I'm listening." El furrowed her eyebrows and gave mike all of her attention.

"I want you." Mike admitted slow and seriously.

"What?" El twinkled.

She'd been waiting to hear that for months...

"I want you. I want to be with you, even if it's not for forever although that would be more than better." Mike admired the girl in front of him, smiling from ear to ear.

El beamed at the words she was hearing. She loved this boy more than words combined. And to know that he felt the same was extraordinary.

"I want to be with you too Mike. Forever." El reassured him, tucking her curly brown hair behind her ears.

"I was hoping you'd say that." Mike smirked and sat up.

Their lips joined together for a lasting kiss. It was filled with love, like all of their kisses. But now they knew their confirmed feelings for each other, it meant so much more...

"If it's going to be forever, you're gonna have to be my girlfriend first." Mike chuckled and winked at her.

"I'd love to be." El gently smiled and rubbed her thumb against his soft freckle-filled cheek.

"Good." Mike rested his hand on top of her's as they started giggling together. They both stood up to go home, thinking about what forever is going to hold for them.


Hey guys, I know I'm a dumb ass bitch for not posting in ages, but I've got lots of one shots planned for you. I'm not sure who still reads this book, but thank you so much if you do.

I'm a lazy person in general who never has the motivation to keep anything up, that's why sometimes I post one shots, then go for a few months and come back again with a new one. And my New Years resolution is to try and stop that!

I love you all, thank you for getting this book on so many reads! I never expected to get this much. -Keira.

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