Help me fly away to never land

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I'm in a really just sad but calm mood at the moment so here's a nice relaxing one shot for you all❤️

This one shot is dedicated to ElevenJaneWheeler because she loves Peter Pan and mileven, she is one of my bestest internet friends and she is always there for me! If you haven't gone and read her stranger things fanfics, what are you doin?😂

Eleven walked down the board walk towards the beach in her bikini and a see through cardigan so she wasn't cold, her feet tapping on the boards under her. It was sundown and all she could see in front of her was a beautiful sunset just above the ocean, a orange colour reflecting on the water.

Her feet hit the sand and little warm grains got in between her toes as she walked towards the shore where water splashed against little rock's on the beach.

She rolled her beach towel out and gently laid down on her stomach, her legs kicking slightly behind her. It was peaceful, not a single person was on the beach except for her, it was just her and the sound of the rippling water dancing in the dull sun light.

El grabbed a book from her little brown satchel bag, it was Peter Pan.

Eleven loved the Peter Pan book. It fascinated her how a little boy like him could just fly around in this magical land without any worries in the world, he always defeated the bad guys where as el often didn't.

When she read the book all she could imagine was never land and how beautifully the writer describes it. Light blue lagoons with flamingos as pink as cotton candy flying over it, little bossy fairies with wings like rice paper and mermaids with shining tails, it was all just so magical to her.

"Second to the right, and straight on till morning..." el whispered to herself to mock what peter said to Wendy, she looked up at the North Star appearing in the sky as it started to get dark.
Sometimes she wanted to just fly away like Peter, she wanted to go to space and see all the universes had to offer, but obviously she couldn't do that, which disappointed her.

Wendy and peters relationship deeply reminded her of what her and mikes relationship was like.
Wendy has a distaste for adulthood, acquired partly by the example of it set by her father, who she loves but fears due to his somewhat violent fits of anger. Just like el is scared of her papa because of his controlling actions although he talks sweetly to her as if he means no harm.

Wendy is saved by that distaste of growing up by Peter Pan, who takes her to never land where she never has to grow up, Peter Pan showed her so many magical things that she would've never imagined were real.

Mike is els Peter Pan. He saved her from all this anger and worry in her life and instead introduced her to fun and happiness. He taught her how to do and say new things she never would of dreamed of doing.

Mike saved her.

El put her book down and smiled sweetly as she heard foot steps approaching behind her.

"Hey el." Mike calmly greeted as he sat down next to her, his arms wresting on his knees.

El looked at him longingly, she watched his eyes close while the soft warm air hit his face as his hair blew gently in the mild wind.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" El asked about the glowing sunset.

"Sure is." Mike breathed and opened his eyes.
"What you reading?" He pointed at her book curiously.

"Peter Pan." El smiled.

"Man you really like that book huh?" Mike grinned back at her.

"Yeah...he reminds me of you." El blushed and sat up as she crossed her legs.

"Really? Well if I could fly and I was ginger then I guess-" mikes smile grew even wider before he was cut off by eleven.

"I don't mean your looks mike." El giggled and punched his arm playfully. "I mean how he took Wendy to never land and showed her all these amazing things... like you showed me."

Mike looked down at the soft sand and blushed, his cheeks turning a light pink colour.

"Actually, Sometimes I wish I were Peter Pan, like I could just fly away and not have a care in the world." Mike sighed.

"I could be Wendy." El giggled.

"You already are Wendy, el." Mike smirked and el laughed, her eyes twinkling.

There was a slight pause as el thought to herself.

"Mike... just sit in front of me for a moment." El ordered.

"What?" Mike looked at her with his eyebrows knotted together.

"Sit in front of me, with your legs crossed." She repeated and patted the sand in front of her, some little pieces jumping in the air.

"Okay..." mike was a little weary but trusted el.

He did as he was told, and el grabbed both of his hands.

"I've been working on something, and now I think I'm strong enough to do it. Just trust me, Okay?" El explained, mike nodded.

"Close your eyes and try not to think of anything." El told him as she did the same.

A few seconds later, mike didn't feel the sand underneath him anymore, he didn't feel anything underneath him. El told him to close his eyes, but he was so tempted to look, so he did.

What he saw when he opened his eyes was extraordinary, him and el were being lifted off of the ground, and they were flying together.
Mike tried not to freak out because that would just ruin the moment altogether.

El lifted them both over the water and before they knew it, they were flying over the ocean not to close from the shore, they were so close to the water that mike could feel it with his hands beneath him.

They were both screaming with happiness and acceleration as they held hands with the other hand stretched out to their side.

They were flying, just like Wendy and Peter.

They were each others never land.

This is honestly one of my most favourite one shots I've ever done, it's more detailed than my other ones. I think mike and el resemble Peter and Wendy so much and it's so cute.

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