The boy next door

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The kids are 15-16 in this one shot.

This one shot is gonna be really random coz I'm having writers block so I'm sorryyy
The only time mike and el had ever lived together was that short week when Will was missing, but since then, el had lived with hopper, Joyce, will, and Jonathan. They were one big happy family. Hopper was els adopted dad and Joyce was els adopted mom, which basically meant that will and Jonathan were her brothers.

After all the things that happened in 1984 and 85, the family decided to move out of their bungalow because of the bad memories there.
Hopper and Joyce put all of their money together and bought a big house for their family a few houses down from mikes house, which meant that el could see him as much as she liked.

The house next door to her had been up for sale for a while, it was a nice house and el had no idea why no one had bought it yet. Probably because Hawkins is the most cursed town in American history.

But all of that changed a few days ago when out of her window el saw a moving van parked outside of the house next to her. It had been sold to a small family.
By what el could see, there was a mom and a dad, and a young boy around the age of 5.

El watched them walk into the front door curiously when she suddenly saw another boy around the age of 15 hop out of the car carrying a box full of stuff. He soon caught el's attention.

He had cute blonde hair, blue eyes, was quite tall and also quite muscular.

As he walked to the door el could see that he was listening to music through headphones and bopped to the music as he walked.

The next day, el walked out of her door into the freezing air to go to mikes house, she was looking down at her book when she accidentally bumped into someone.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry I didn't see you there." El apologised to the blonde boy in front of her.

"No! No it's fine!" The boy chuckled and looked down at els book.
"Anne of green gables? Man I love that book!" He said trying to start a conversation.

"Haha, yeah. I've been getting into reading a lot lately.." el laughed nervously and blushed.

"Your the girl who lives next door right? I'm Tommy." He said kindly and shook els hand.

"Nice to meet you. My names eleven, but, people usually call me el." She shook his hand back and tucked a short piece of hair behind her ear.

"Eleven? Woah. That's a cool name." Tommy said enthusiastically as if he'd just been told that unicorns are real.

"Thanks, it's different I guess... So seeing as you just moved here are you gonna come to the school 'Hawkins high?' I go there." El asked.

"Yeah actually I am, but I'm gonna try to not get to know I lot of people seeing as I'm not gonna be here forever, We've only rented this house. my dad has some work to do down here so I'm staying here for a few months I guess." Tommy answered.

"I'll see you there on Monday then, I'll see you later, I've got to go and meet someone."

"No problem, see ya el." He smiled and walked in the opposite direction.

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