Wishful thinking

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It was a Saturday at the wheelers house, Everyone was still on winter break and mike should really be out playing with his friends, but he wasn't. He was sat at home reading comic books, just like he always does if he's got nothing else to do.


Mike wheeler galloped down stairs, his arms swaying by his sides.

He sighed as he saw his mom making dinner in the kitchen.

"What's wrong honey?" Karen asked her bored son as he sat down on the counter.

"Nothing, just bored." He looked down at the ground.

"Why aren't you out with the boys?" She asked, stirring mash potatoes in a pot.

"They're all busy." Mike said grumpily.

"What about el?" Karen questioned, looking at him with a smile.

"I don't really know, I can't ask her what she's doing without actually seeing her in person. She doesn't have a super-comm." He explained.

"You really like that girl, huh?" Karen smirked.

"What? No! No. It's not like that, she's just my friend." He lied.

"Alright then." She shook her head and chuckled.

It was silent for a moment as mike thought to himself.

Do I like her in that way?

Mike spoke up "Well, I think she's cute." He looked at his feet swaying as he was sat on the counter.

"Why don't you tell her then sweetie? I bet she likes you too." Karen smiled.

"That's the thing, I don't think she knows that much about...you know, dating." Mike said silently.

"Well you don't either do you?" Karen stated.

Mike rolled his eyes "not really."

"Then call hopper on my phone and ask if you can speak to el, just explain it to her, if you like her then you should at least give it a chance, you can't just sit there waiting for it to happen sweetie." She suggested.

He thought for a second, then nodded his head. "Thanks mom, I will." Mike jumped off of the counter and jogged to the phone.

He took a deep breath and squinted his eyes, before dialling els house number, hoping that hopper wouldn't answer and el would some how pick up.

It rang for a few seconds until a deep voice answered. "Hello?"

'Shit' mike thought, he basically jinxed himself.

"Um, hey hopper it's Mike, can I please speak to el?" Mike requested innocently.

"Sure kid, one sec." Hopper said, until mike heard him shout to el in the background.

"El! Mikes on the phone for you!" Mike heard faintly.

Mike heard a little excited gasp from el which made him smile.

"Mike!" El squealed happily.

Mike chuckled "hey el, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you, how are you?" El rejoiced.

"I'm good, I'm good. So um, can I ask you something?" Mike squinted his eyes, his heart was beating out of his chest.

"Anything." El accepted softly.

"Well, I-I really l-like you el, I think your amazing...and beautiful." He choked up, swallowing hard.
"I was wondering I-if you wanted to be my g-girlfriend..." Mike stuttered.

"Girl-friend?" El said slowly, trying to say the new word properly.

El wasn't stupid at all, she just hadn't had dating explained to her yet, obviously. Hopper would never allow that, but she knew what she felt around mike meant to her.

"Yeah, I wanted to ask you before but I was scared of what you would say. When two people really like each other they become boyfriend and girlfriend to, you know, make it official. And I really like you el." Mike grinned through the phone.

"I'd like that mike." She giggled.

"Really? You would?" He said in shock.

"Of course." Mike could tell el was smiling from the tone in her voice.

"Wow, that was easier than I thought. Um well are you doing anything today? I'm pretty bored." Mike wondered.

"No not really, I just got back from shopping for a new bed." El explained.

"Do you want to hang out? I could come round and pick you up so we could go to the movies or something, footloose and sixteen candles are still playing, I mean, I don't really like romantic films but I know you do, so I don't mind." Mike suggested.

"I'd love that, a lot." El said happily, loving the fact that he would watch a romantic film just because she likes them.

Mike blushed. "Good"
"So, I'll be there soon, don't go anywhere."

"Yes okay." El smiled and rolled her eyes over the dorky boy.

Mike put the phone down and instantly started jumping up and down hitting his fists in the air in excitement acting like he'd just won the lottery, however in his eyes, he just did win the lottery by el saying she'd be his girlfriend.

"Someone's mood has changed, what did she say?" Karen said from the kitchen.

"Sorry mom id honestly love to chat but I've got to go." He said running to put his shoes on eagerly, dodging the question.

"Where are you going?" She asked curiously, taking a pot pie out of the oven.

"To go and watch a movie with el." He almost whispered hoping that his mom wouldn't here him, but she did.

"Okay honey be back by 6!" She shouted and shook her head as her son ran out of the front door.

Young love. She thought to herself.

Should I do a part 2 where mike and el go to the movies? If so, should they watch sixteen candles or footloose? To be honest idek if they are popular movies I just googled romantic movies in 1984😂

P.S: just to point out, I'm actually British, very British, like Millie Bobby Brown British. So in my fanfics when I say 'mom' I'm actually so tempted to put 'mum' because that's what I normally say but obviously the kids in stranger things are American. Like in this chapter when I said 'pot pie' I originally put 'shepherds pie' but then I was anxious if Americans even ate shepherds pie so I literally googled it.

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