Ripped apart (ii)

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It's currently Christmas night in england, 2017 at 22:23pm. I said I was going to sleep after a long day, but I've decided to write one shots for you guys instead😂. I was gonna write a Christmas one shot but I'm a bit of a monger and haven't so I apologise. I might do one tomorrow on Boxing Day. NIGHT!


Things have been awkward in Hawkins recently. People are wondering why the usual lovey-dovey relationship between mike Wheeler and el Hopper isn't the same as it used to be.


Lucas, max, dustin and Will were all walking down the school hallway having their normal conversation when Lucas spots mike getting some books out of his locker with el doing the same things however she was a few lockers away from him and they weren't talking, not even making eye contact with each other.

Lucas quickly pulls his 3 friends behind a corner and points at mike and el.

"Ow Lucas you dumbass! What Was that for?!" Dustin yelled while rubbing his head.

"Shhh! Look." Lucas puts his finger to his mouth before pointing at mike and el. They are all peering round the corner staring at them.

Their eyes go wide in hope as they see mike go up to el.

"Umm, Hey el..." Mike says looking at the floor.

"Oh, hi mike." She almost whispers.

"Sooo. I was wondering if you wanted to hang out tonight? You can come to my house if you want, we could even catch up on homework." He asks un confidently.

"Uh, I would love to but hopper would never let me. And even if I lied and said I was going to maxes house he would get suspicious. I'm sorry." El frowned.

"oh, ok. No worries." Mike said while scratching the back of his neck, he gave el a awkward smile and waved before walking off.

Lucas rolled his eyes as he saw mike walk away.

"I don't know what you were expecting Lucas, they won't talk to each other, it's no use. El is too scared that If hopper catches her he'll kill someone." Dustin chucked until max punched his arm.

"Well this isn't really fair is it, mike misses her more than anything." Will stated.

"I miss who?" A confused mike asked as he walked up to them.

The group darted their eyes at each other.

"Uhhhh. Ummm." Lucas started.

"You miss that ice cream we bought yesterday!" Dustin butted in.

"Seriously dustin, I'm not an idiot. I know you were saying I miss el, and I do. She just won't make an effort with me at all because of that douche bag hopper." Mike looked annoyed before walking away as the group followed him.

"Well can't you just go to the cabin and speak to Hopper yourself?" Will implied.

"Are you serious? He said if i go anywhere near that cabin or her my head will be blown off with his shotgun faster than he can even tell me to go away." Mike scoffed.

"Well that's a bit harsh don't you think? I'm sure he's just exaggerating, he wouldn't shoot your head off mike." Max said.

"It's hopper, He never over exaggerates." Mike stated firmly as he walked off, leaving the rest of the group behind.

"If mike won't go to the cabin, then we should. We'll tell him how much el means to mike." Lucas said.

"Yeah! Then he'll let them see each other again!" Dustin got excited.

"Okay. Tonight we'll all meet at Mirkwood, 6:00pm on the dot, don't be late." Lucas ordered.

The others nodded their heads. Soon school was finally over and at 6:00 they all met at their destination to try and save their best friends relationship.


It was 5:59pm, and the 4 kids met up on Mirkwood as they had planned.

"You guys ready?" Lucas asked confidently.

"Kinda..." Will said uncannily.

Dustin rolled his eyes before the group of kids road down the small path to hoppers house although they were all acting like he was a huge monster waiting to shoot their heads off like mike said.

Max nocked on the small wooden door to the little cabin until a few seconds later hopper opened the door with a cigarette in his hand.

"May I help you?" Hopper asked in a deep voice with furrowed eyebrows.

"Hopper." Lucas coughed. "I mean sir. Can we talk to you for a minute? It won't take long."

Hopper looked at the kids with a unsettling look on his face before sighing, putting his cigarette out and waving them into the door.

They all sat on the couch, there was a bit of silence until Dustin punched Lucases arm to tell him to start talking.

"Um, uh, well... we know that your daughter el and our friend mike used to be in a relationship before you told them they couldn't-" Lucas started.

"Look kid if this is to try and make me let el see that boy again then it's not gonna work. I've made up my mind and I don't like him, she can find another one." Hopper said.

"But sir you don't understand. I mean not to be cheesy or anything but mike loves el and el loves mike. El wants to talk to mike everyday but she can't because you won't let her just because you saw them kissing once. They are both 16 and it was gonna happen at some point. One day your gonna have to accept the fact that els gonna have kids some day and you better start accepting now... please let them see each other, try and understand el and that she loves him. Even we can see that they arnt happy without each other." Lucas finished.

"That was beautiful." Dustin sniffled as he wiped away a fake tear. Max soon punched his arm again.

"If I let them see each other will you leave this house in five seconds?" Hopper sighed.

"Yes sir!" Dustin stood up and saluted to Hopper.

"Five...four.." the kids started running out of the house with their things as hopper followed behind them.

"" Hopper shut the front door and the kids were magically all gone.


Things were different in Hawkins since mike wheeler found out that he could see his girlfriend again, they hung out as much as they could and never left each other's sight.

They didn't drift apart anymore.

They weren't ripped apart.


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