I miss you as much as you miss me

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Age: 15-16

This one shot is inspired by chapter one of milxvenn 's story: Fragile.
I love their stories so you should definitely go and check them out!
Mike Wheeler and eleven Jane hopper have been broken up for 4 months now.
El broke up with him. She saw mike with max and thought they were doing things together, but it wasn't like that. mike knew that him and max were doing absolutely nothing together, but every time he tried to tell el the truth she wouldn't listen.

She tries to get over him, but how can she do that when she sees him at school everyday and they make eye contact until one of them has to look away to break the awkwardness?
el notices that his hair gets messier each day and the bags under his eyes grow.
Did he miss her?

El misses him, and he misses her. But non of them will admit that to anyone but themselves.


El walked down the depressing school hall where she saw Will, she walked over him as he was getting stuff out of his locker which was next to hers.

"Oh, Hey el!" Will said joyfully as he hugged her.

"Hi will" El smiled before they both pulled away from the hug.

"Hows everything?" Will asked.

Eleven shrugged as she opened her locker. "Oh you know, the usual."

"Mike, he-uh, he misses you. We all know he does." Will almost whispered as he looked away.

"Why is it every time I see you, you have to bring up mike?" El said with an annoyed look as she got some books out of her locker.

"Because el, you see how different he is. He's not mike anymore without you." Will explained.

"Yeah well, if he hadn't been a jerk then I wouldn't of broke up with him in the first place." El gulped and slammed her locker before walking off.

"El! Wait!" Will called after her.

She continued down the hall until she stopped in her tracks when she saw


They do this nearly every day, they stare at each other awkwardly before walking off and ignoring one another.
But mike was sick of it, why should he be blamed for something he hadn't done? Him and max did nothing together.

El stopped staring at mike and started walking. Will gasped as he thought she was going to actually go up and talk to him, but instead she walked straight past him.

Until mike grabbed her hand suddenly and pulled her into the janitors closet. Mike held her arms down from behind and covered her mouth with his hand as he closed the door quickly.

"El, Shhhh! Stop struggling!" Mike whisper-yelled as el kept on screaming and tried to get out of mikes grasp. But obviously no one could hear her considering his hand was over her mouth.

"Just calm down and let me talk! I'm not going to hurt you!" Mike whispered-yelled again before el calmed down.

Mike let her go and she ran over to the other side of the small closet. She looked at mike in disgust as if he had just slapped her.

"Your crazy!!" El yelled and tried to get out of the room by walking to the door but mike quickly stood in front of it.

"Crazy?! For gods sake el! Would you let me talk? Your acting like I'm going to murder you or something!" Mike yelled back.

"I don't need to hear anything else from you. I saw what I saw. You were messing around with max! Her arms were around your neck and you had a lipstick stain on your cheek! Now let me out of this room!" El shouted.

"Me and max weren't doing anything! She was drunk so I helped her to the toilet because it looked like she was going to be sick, she had her arms around my neck because she was stumbling around all over the place and you saw the lipstick stain because she kissed me on the cheek for being a good friend! Okay fair enough, she shouldn't of done it. But it wasn't like that! She was DRUNK el! Now you've heard everything." Mike explained angrily.

"How do I know that's true? You've had 4 months to plan that." El crossed her arms.

"Ask Lucas or max! I just want you back el." Mike started sobbing now before sliding his back down the door and crying into his knees.

El felt deep sorrow when looking at mike cry. She knew that he was telling the truth and she wanted him back too.

She walked over to him and kneeled down, she lifted his head up and placed her warm hands on his cheeks.
They both looked into each other's eyes longingly before el leaned in for a lasting kiss.

"I-I'm so sorry, mike. I love you." El whispered as she stroked his soft, messy black hair.

"I'm sorry too. I love you, el." He whimpered.


This was cuteee

Until the next one shot!

Stay strange!💕

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