Epilogue: Black Night

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The Black Night shard. A stain on the reputation of the moon that plagues people fighting for good to this day. Luna Moonstone knew the dangers of having the Moonstone in her possession, so she hid it within Lieutenant Jason Bolderfist's sword so that the most corrupt of heart couldn't possess this ultimate weapon of mass distruction. But even then, it wasn't safe from the clutches of evil.

How did the Moonstone become corrupt in the first place? Easy to answer. Millions of years ago, with the fight between Herobrine and Notch, the fight was moatly in Herobrine's favor. Herobrine had the Fuere, Erde, and the Morka in his possessions, while the older brother Notch weilded the Wasser, Luft, and the Licht. It was coming down to the last moment, the younger brother Herobrine having the older brother Notch pleeding on his back.

"Stop this madness!" Notch had shouted to him. Though the story was never really finished, the end was clear now. Herobrine had Notch where he wanted him for years, and it was a clash between fire and water, the Fuere and Wasser's powers at each others necks. But at the end, the Feure managed to cut off the Wasser, and Herobrine then used the Erde to strike one last time at his older brother. Notch was struck and was dying swiftly. Herobrine wasn't done there. Sadly, the Moonstone was knocked from Notch as it tumbled to Herobrine's feet.

Herobrine saw the Moonstone, using his dark magic to corrupt it and use it against the world. Herobrine couldn't wait to watch the world burn, so he turned his back on Notch, thinking he was as good as dead. Notch founded this oppertunity to get at his brother before the Erde's power could kill him. Notch used a barrier spell against Herobrine and sealed him down within the crusts of the Earth, Herobrine swearing vengeance on him and the people that oppose him.


Notch realized the power of the Moonstone has become balanced between good and evil, the Pure Moonstone and the Black Night Shard. So, Notch shifted the power into goods favor and used some magic of his, returning the Moonstone to semi-kinda-sort-of normal. Notch then kept the gems within a small maroon bag that he kept on him at all times. But the corrupt power of the Erde was slowly killing him, and Notch knew he didn't have much time left. So, he did the reasonable thing. He trusted the gems with an angel that he created himself, and who he named after the power of good.

Luna Moonstone

Notch told her that he was dwindling away, and that he couldn't help her anymore. So, Luna decided what was best of the stones. Decades later she sent five very strong warriors to scatter them around Minecraftia, hoping that no one would find them. But once Herobrine resurfaced, the world would once again need those gemstones.

Now with the combined power of the Black Night Shard, Dahrk and Herobrine have sent our heroes into a demension of darkness and anger, and to their worries Herobrine and Dahrk are nowhere to be seen. Guude must traverse through this with the Hermitcrafters:
Rob Willakers, the Magi Magician
Biffa Booa, the Firebird Archer
Koralis Aliskor, the Holder of the Dragon
Jevin Į, the Mana Swordsman
and Xisuma Void, the Unknown Assassin


But that's not all they have. Aurey Lian, Sev Edus, and Chad Ohmegad have found themselves in that realm also, as well as the newest gemstone holders Anders Zel, Alex Pause, Daniel Vintage, Millbee Schaf, Kurt Jebadiah Mac, and Micheal Mine.

These many members of Mindcrack must now navigate themselves through the terrible world of darkness they've founs themselves in, and even better, stop Dahrk and Herobrind before it's to late.


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