Chapter 47: Truly Won

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Hours passed by, but nothing seemed to change for Pause. The love of his life was gone, and they still had no way of leaving the dark world they were in. All that was left of Herobrine was the staff he had, and the Black Night Shard embedded within it. The Hermit's, including Biffa, who was still a Shadow Soul looked into discovering the secrets of the Black Night Shard.

Pause sat far off and alone, seeing how the castle was now safe for them to be in, he could have been anywhere to the others. Without the gemstone, he felt defenseless. Course, his bow was in the other dimension, and things just weren't the same without a weapon on hand.

The native suddenly heard someone sit beside him, looking over shocked only to see Libby there. The brown haired female looked almost as down as he was, and just as exhausted.

"Oh... it's just you." Pause said, looking back out.

"I couldn't help but notice you sneek out... I'm sorry for following you." Libby apologized. Pause chuckled.

"No worries... even after all that... kinda... didn't want to be alone." The native admitted. Libby nodded.

"Yeah, can understand that." She said. After a bit of silence, Libby looked to Pause.

"Your friends are trying really hard to figure out a way back... Commander Guude thinks it has to do with the Black Night Shard." The femme told him.

"It's a possibility. It was the thing that brought us here in the first place..." Pause said.

"They're not shattering it, just in case they still need the magic within the gem itself." Libby said. Pause only gave her a nod before everything went quiet again. Libby exhaled.

"I'm sorry about Daniel... he was a good man." She said.

"That he was... and... his sacrifice won't go in vein." Pause said, surprisingly calmer than Libby would have thought.

"What are you going to do now?" Libby asked, trying not to push the grieving native to much.

"You mean when I get home? I don't know... I might keep going with Mindcrack. Perhaps build myself a house by a river..." Pause answered. The native looked to his hands, the flashback of Beef losing his life replaying within the back of his mind.

"And that's only if we get home. I don't even know that they'll figure everything out by themselves anymore." Pause admitted. Libby put a hand on his back.

"Don't worry Pause... you'll get home." She told him. Pause nodded.

"I hope you're right." He said sadly.

An hour went by before the Black Night Shard sparked to life. The shaded gemstone, once originally a black color turned to white before their very eyes. Willakers and the Hermit's noticed the change, getting the attention of Guude before everyone else started noticing.

"What in sam-hill?" Willakers asked before a beam of light shot out of the Moonstone. Covering their eyes, the Mindcrackers watched as the beam shot into the sky. They could barely see something explode through the broken cieling before another beam shot down outside. Running out, the Mindcrackers watched as a white portal appeared before them.

"That... that must be our way home!" Aurey smiled.

"I'll get in contact with prince Nebris." Pak said while turning away from them.

"Commander, what should we do with Beef's body?" Pause asked quietly. Anders nodded.

"We can't just leave it here." The Swede added on.

"We'll bring him with us. He deserves a proper burial back at Mindcrack." Guude said. Ani walked up to the leader.

"This is goodbye then?" The femme asked him. Guude nodded.

"It is. We've been gone for too long, I want to make sure it's still there." The commander joked. Ani laughed.

"Yes, that would be priority number one." She said. Kurt looked to her.

"What ever happened to Codex, Atlas, and Audrey?" The Farlander asked.

"Oh don't worry about them. They're getting what they deserve." Libby chuckled.

"Indeed they are." The familiar voice of prince Nebris said. The Enderian walked up to the group, a smile plastered on his face while his hands were connected behind his back.

"They were sent to me, and I told my head guard to make sure they got the time of their lives within the End mining district." Nebris said.

"What about the End?" Mhykol asked.

"The rule is that the king get's to chose the king... and I met the perfect person when I first got here." Nebris said. They all looked confused. Nebris chuckled.

"Enki." He said giggling.

"You left a child to run a dimension?" Millbee asked, barely able to stiffen his laughter. Nebris nodded.

"Indeed. I'm excited to return home." The prince said. Guude smiled.

"As am I. We've been gone for too long, as I mentioned before. I hope Baj hasn't done anything to it that he'll regret." The commander said. Ani nodded.

"Well then, this has been memorable." She smiled.

"It has." Guude responded. Libby looked to Jsano, smiling and running up to the doctor as Jsano turned towards her.

"I wanted to give you something, as a goodbye present." Libby told him. Jsano rose an eyebrow.

"Oh? What would that be?" The doctor asked. Libby chuckled, leaning in and kissing the doctor on the cheek. Jsano's cheeks flared up as his body stiffened. Libby chuckled, pulling back as she gave Jsano a hug.

"I... hope to see you again soon." Libby smiled. Jsano nodded, smiling.

"Y-Yeah... me too." The doctor said as Libby walked back over to Ani. Anders snickered.

"Jsano has a girlfriend..." The Swede wheezed as Jsano angrilly galred his way. Guude looked to the portal. Ani placed a hand on Guude's shoulder, making the commander look at her.

"Don't die, please? I'd like to make aquantance with you again some day." Ani told him. Guude smiled.

"As I with you." The leader said. Ani hugged Guude, Guude hugging her back before the two eventually broke apart.

"Good luck, Commander Guude." Ani said. Guude nodded, looking back at the portal as he exhaled.

"Alright everyone... It's time to go home." The commander said as everyone walked through the dimensional wormhole. Shortly after, it closed, leaving the Rebels alone. The day was truly won.

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