Chapter 37: Road To Recovery

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Libby chucked her pen across the room as frustration hit her. She didn't know how Jsano could do such a task as this and keep his mind in tact during it. Speeking of Jsano. Libby looked over to where the doctor was resting and got up, walking over and checking the bandages wrapped around the closed wound. They were precaution in case the wound was to open again, and in case the doctor strained himself to much when he awoke.

Libby sighed, brushing her brown hair out of her face as she checked he clipboard at the edge of his desk.

"Ever since you and your friends arrived, things have gotten better... For us atleast. You have been put through hell and back, and here you are..." Libby sighed, letting go of the clipboard as he turned away. A groan could be heard from her left, and Libby turned to look at it. Anders was shifting.

The female mearely thought he was just adjusting himself and then he would continue peacefully sleeping. But when Anders sat up, Libby's eyes widened.

"Anders!" She shouted, running to his side. Anders gripped his head, shaking it as his eyes slowly opened.

"Jesus Christ, what the hell happened...? Anders asked. Libby hesitated to say anything. Anders finally saw Libby, and his face softened.

"Libby... What happened to me?" Anders asked again. Libby rubbed her arms uncomfortably.

"Well, apperently when you got Kurt, he was under the influence of Atticus. You went to check on him when he attacked. You barely had time to react when suddenly you were flying across the room. You hit a marble beam, which cracked. A piece impaled your back, and barely missed your spine." Libby explained, suddenly not making eye contact halfway through. Anders looked down.

"That... That was real? I thought that was just an illusion..." Anders said. Libby shook her head.

"I'm sorry it's me that greets you... It would be Jsano, but... He's kinda... Injured." Libby apologized. The swede chuckled.

"Don't worry about it Libby... I rather see you than Jsano anyways." Anders said with a smile. Libby cracked a smile as Anders swung his legs around and off the medical table.

"Are you sure you want to be stressing yourself this much? You just woke up." Libby said cautiously.

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