Chapter 42: War On Herobrine

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Guude walked over to the small podium, reaching out for the glistening gemstone as the others grouped around him. The commander was hesitant, however he knew the gemstone couldn't harm him in this type of state. Guude grabbed the gem, his fingertips feeling numb for a slight second before the feeling returned to it.

"Magnificent..." Beef gasped as the glow to the gem intensed. Guude clutched it in his palm, the glow disappearing as he looked to the others.

"We must contact home, tell them the news, and also see what's happening there." Guude said. Pause nodded.

"Gotcha." The Native brought up his wrist, pressing a button as a screen appeared. He pressed a couple of buttons before an image appeared on screen. The Hermits, plus the Rebels and the New Kids (Coe, Aurey, Sev, and Chad).

"It is good to see the place is still in tact." Guude chuckled.

"~Glad to see you're all still alive~." Ani said back, crossing her arms.

"Barely. We have good news." Beef smiled.

"~The war is over~?" Pak joked from the back.

"No, but I wish. We have the gemstone." Guude said. Willakers' eyes widened.

"~Dear god... you do~?" He asked. Guude nodded. He put out his hand, opening it as the Cielarc gemstone listened within his palm.

"~Wow...~" Was all Coe could say.

"Caused a lot of trouble, but it should be worth it. This could mean the end of the war... we just need someone to hold it." Avidya informed.

"~That will be a challenge, but it's a challenge we have to take~." Koralis said.

"~We have a surprise also, but you must see it to believe it~." Libby chuckled. Guude became puzzled.

"Oh? Alright... we're on our way home." The commander said.

"~Be safe Commander~" Ani said, as the screen disappeared. The group looked to one another.

"Well, let's go home." Guude said. Three hours later, the commander and his allies walked into their secret hidden base. They were greeted by their friends, amd four hooded figures.

"Who are they?" Mhykol asked, careful not to approach them. They lowered their hoods, revealing Paul, Shree, Justin, and Biffa.

"Biffa?!" Kurt asked. He smiled.

"Indeed... and these are my allies: Justin, Shree, and Paul." He introduced. The three men waved.

"I remember seeing you and someone else in the caves!" Kurt pieced together, pointing at Justin.

"That other person was me." Biffa said.

"It's good to see you again Biffa." Guude smiled.

"It's good to be back." The man in orange replied. Ani walked up to Guude.

"You have the Cielarc?" She asked. The leader nodded, reaching into his pocket and taking out the gemstone. It shimmered all the colors of the other gemstones, makibg Libby gasp.

"Woah..." She said in awe. The New-kids walked beside Guude, the gemstone suddenly pulsating as the group got closer.

"Magnificent..." Sev gasped, reaching for the gem. It began to flicker, causing the brown cladded man to step back. The gemstone started to shake, suddenly stopping before flinging itself towards Coe. The star man gasped, reaching forwards as he grabbed the gem. It began to glow as the aura around them changed.

The atmosphere lightened, and the cave they were within lit up a bit. Guude looked around, looking at Coe as the amazed man gazed upon the gemstone.

"It chose him." Pak said smiling. Coe looked to Guude, a massive smile on his face.

"This... this means we can finally stop Herobrine and Dahrk!" The star man smiled, clutching the gemstone within his palm. Guude nodded.

"Yes. Contact Nebris in the End. It's war on Herobrine." The leader smiled, making everyone cheer.

Beef walked into his and Pause's room, sitting on his bed as he layed down on top of it. The butcher recalled everything that has happened to him. Herobrine attacking, his outburst, finding the Wasser gemstone, being transported here, being stabbed, twice, and finally... this will be the end.

Beef stared at the ceiling, calmly breathing in and out as hr sat back up again. The butcher felt his back, feeling a slight pinch as it began to heat up. Beef shifted uncomfortably, groaning as he stood up. He tried ignoring it, but as time went on, the pinch turned into an enormous stabbing sensation.

Beef fell to his knees, crying out as he squinted his eyes. He grabbed his back once more, not feeling anything wet oozing into his shirt as he attempted to stand. Beef gasped, clutching his chest as his heart began to race.

"Daniel Vintage... enjoying yourself?" A manacing voice asked from his left. Beef weakly looked up, watching as Dahrk started walking towards him.

"Y-You bas-stard... wh-hat did y-you d-do?" The butcher asked.

"Me? Nothing? I've been out of town visiting the other dimension." Dahrk chuckled.

"O-Other d-dimens-sion?" Beef asked.

"Oh yes. Y'know, the one with all of your other collegues in it?" Darhk asked, moving in front of the crouching man. Beef was now in to much paim to speak, falling to his side as Dahrk crouched in front of him.

"Pathetic, weak, and quite quite foolish. If you weren't so important, I'd kill you here. But, master Herobrine needs you alive sadly." Dahrk said.

"Wh-Wh..." Beef groaned. Dahrk smiled. Suddenly, the door opened, Pause walking in without noticing Dahrk.

"You've been in here for a while, are you-" Pause looked up, gasping as he saw the evil man crouched in front if his fiancee.

"DANIEL!" The native shouted, fire surrounding his fist as he fired it at Dahrk. The evil man disappeared in smoke, the fire going right through it and disappearing. Pause ran beside Beef, helping him sit up as the butcher felt no more pain.

"Are you alright?" The native asked. Beef exhaled shakenly.

"Yeah... yeah, I-I think so..." He said. Pause helped Beef up, allowing him to lean on his shoulder as they walked out front.

"What happened?" Guude asked as they walked into view.

"Dahrk, the bastard attacked Beef. Probably would have killed him if I hadn't have walk in." Pause answered. Anders glanced at Beef.

"Are you alright min vän?" The Swede asked. Beef nodded.

"Yeah... just a little shaken." The butcher answered. Guude smiled.

"I'm glad. Alright, let us be on our way." The leader said, turning away as they walked off. Pause looked to Beef.

"You okay to stand on your own?" The native asked. Beef nodded. Pause smiled.

"Alright, see you out there." He said, walking off. Beef watched, a mischevious grin appearing on his face as his eyes flashed purple. The smile disappeared, Beef chuckling as he followed his fiamcee out the hideout.

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