Chapter 39: Awoken Abruptly

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Guude felt his entire body suddenly wake up, his nerves reacting once more as his senses were returning to him. The commander groaned, placing his hands flat on the floor as he pushed himself to his knees. Shaking his head, Guude looked around, seeing the figures of his allies layed peacefully on the floor before him. Guude stood up, placing his head on his head before looking up from where they fell.

"Kurt was right... it was a trap." Guude groaned to himself, slightly frustrated that he let himself and the others get caught in a situation like this. If he had just listened to Kurt he could have-

"Kurt?" Guude asked, suddenly remembering not seeing Kurt when he scoped the room. Triple checking his theory, Guude knew he was right.

"Shit... Where the hell is he?" Guude asked. Waiting for everyone to awaken, Guude kept peering up the hole they fell through. Pause walked beside him, looking up also.

"What ya lookin' at commander?" The native asked. Guude shook his head.

"What is the last thing you remember?" The green cladded man asked.

"Falling? Almost to our death?" Pause said, making it sound more like a question. Guude sighed, looking at Pause. The Indian followed.

"Kurt was shouting at us, warning us that this was a trap. Kurt ran at us, but I don't see him. Which means he either went on ahead, or he's still up top." Guude informed. Pause looked back to their waking friends.

"If so, we better move on. He could get himself killed either way." Pause suggested. Guude nodded.

"Yes, good idea. Come on everyone, we're going cave exploring!" The leader shouted, walking past them.

"Cave exploring? For what?" Anders asked, rubbing his head as he got to his feet. Guude stopped and smiled, turning to the viking.

"For a Farlander." He answered simply.

Kurt managed to get himself lost. He found a second entrance to the cave not too far from the first, traversing down it and finding himself at a fork. He did what any noble warrior did in this situation: eenie meenie miney moe. And he got lost. Kurt used his Licht powers to light up in front of him, managing to avoid falling into three caverns, a ravine, and a ten feet deep hole.

Kurt heard noises from around the corner, stopping and waiting to hear the conversation.

"Do they know your here?" A voice chimed.

"No." A second one answered. Kurt recegnized the voice, but couldn't remember where from.

"Good. The last thing we want is for Herobrine to find out we skipped on him." The first said again.

'They're enemies of Herobrine?'

"He'll kill us for good if he does." The first finished.

"What do you know of the saviors?" The second asked.

"All fell in but one. Kurt Mac." Kurt slightly jumped at the first voice saying his name.

"If he doesn't join them, they'll be killed!" The second shouted. Kurt gasped.


"Someone's there!" The first shouted, then the voices disappeared. Kurt silently cursed to himself.

'Might've shouted a bit too loud'

"Who's there?!" The second shouted.

"You idiot, why would someone hiding tell you who they are?" The first shouted, following by a slapping noise.

"Ow I'm sorry Justin!" The second shouted.

'Justin? Like the one in Willakers's and the Hermit's story?'

"Don't call me by name! Whomever that's out there may be hostile!" Justin said. The second didn't give a response. Kurt inhaled, knowing he had to do something. He turned the corner, peeking out to see who was there. Two people in black cloaks, hoodies that covered their faces.

All Kurt could see from the first was a brown and blue tail that popped out from under the cloak, the same for the second but his was orange, black and gray. They froze, staring at Kurt like they were about to die.

"Hello? Who are you?" The Farlander asked. The two backed into the darkness, sending Kurt into panic mode.

"Wait wait wait don't leave!" Kurt shouted, realizing a little too late that they had already disappeared. Kurt looked around, stomping his foot in frustration as he was once again alone.

"Firetruck..." Kurt groaned, refraining from saying the f word. He then heard voices once more, panicking and hiding once more.

'What if they've come back to kill me?' Kurt waited until the voices sounded closest, summoning his Licht Sickle as his heart ponded in his chest. Then, when he felt like the time was right, he turned the corner, striking down when another weapon clashed with him.

Suddenly realizing it was Anders, Kurt stepped back, allowing his heart to relax. Guude walked up to the Farlander.

"Kurt, are you alright?" The commander asked.

"Yeah, you look like you've seen a ghost." Mhykol finished. Kurt exhaled.

"If you count ghosts as two men in black cloaks disappearing into thin air, then yes, I have." The Farlander answered. The team looked confused.

"Nevermind... I'll explain it later." Kurt said, walking ahead once more.

"Alright-" Beef said shrugging. "-suit yourself."

The cloaked figures appeared back in the dungeons, the one looking more affraid than the other.

"Do you think he recognized us?" The unknown one asked.

"Probably! Why do you think he jumped out at us like that!" Justin said, a slight growl to his tone. The first one recoiled back.

"Sorry... remember, I'm not as new as you! I just died!" The second one defended himself. Justin sighed, relaxing as he softly looked at the second man.

"Listen B... I'm sorry. I just would hate for them to find out about us. They'd go avert their own path to try and help us, you understand that." Justin said, and the second one nodded.

"Yeah, I understand." He replied. Justin smiled.

"Good, now come on! We don't want Herobrine to find out that we're missing! Shree can only keep him busy for so long!" Justin said, running off. The second pondered, sighing as he followed Justin down the hall.

Spooky! Who is the second man in the cloak? What is to befall on our heroes? And most importantly, what is going to happen next? Peace out blazes!

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