Chapter 1: A Different Scene

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Guude jolted awake as the person prevously shaking him stopped. Guude frantically looked around him to only stop once he saw a familiar face. Old Man Robert Willakers. He was alright. Guude chuckled slightly.

"Rob... What... What happened, where... Where are we...?" Guude asked him as Willakers offered his hand. As Willakers hekped Guude to his feet, Willakers looked around.

"It looks like Moonrise... But it doesn't feel like it." Rob told him. Guude nodded.

"Yeah, I've noticed that too now. It definately is Moonrise forest, but a but more darker..." Guude told him.

"Possibly the after effect of the battle against Dahrk and Herobrine?" Willakers suggested. Guude suddenly gasped.

"That's right... To tell you the truth I kinda forgot that had happened. Speaking of which, what of the others?" Guude asked him.

"I haven't found anyone yet, other than you." Willakers admitted. Guude exhaled sharply.

"Then we should probably start to look around. I will be best even if we don't find anything to see what the damage is." Guude told him. Willakers gave off a nod before the two wondered further into the mysterious and much more darker version of Moonrise. Guude and Willakers found themselves at a wall of vines that have overgrown with time. Willakers sighed.

"Doesn't look like people have been this far into Moonrise in a while. Makes me wonder how long it's been since the battle." Willakers said as Guude grabbed the hilt of his sword. Guude unsheethed his sword as he pointed it at the vines.

"I'll take care of this." Guude slashed and cut away the vines until he broken through, offering Willakers to go ahead of him. The two wondered out into the circle of grass, Willakers looking around and gasping. Someone layed facedown adjacent to him, as three more bodies were sprawled out across the plains.

Guude and Willakers ran up to the first person, turning them over to reveal that person being Koralis Aliskor. Willakers gasped.

"Koralis!" Koralis groaned, stirring as he sat up slowly. Koralis looked to Willakers as then he deicded to look around him.

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