Chapter 1

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AJ pov.
The smell of sugar cookies strongly enters the air as I enter the kitchen. Laid out before me are dozens of sugar cookies which is the best seller. 

I try to enjoy the smell but I course Karen is messing up the frosting recipe again.

"Karen you're messing up the frosting. You need to add more sugar," I say walking towards her.

"No I'm not. You're just mad that I'm making it better than you," she says laughing.

"Why would I be mad? I make the best frosting out of the three of us," I say.

"Please Mia's is better. That girl can bake," says Karen rolling her eyes.

"You have a very good point. She can bake her tail off," I say.

"AJ I need help. Three people are coming and I don't know if their orders are together or separate," says Mia and I hear the panic in her voice.

"I'm coming, just let me wash my hands first" I say making my way towards the sink. Once I'm done, I finally walk to where the sweets are kept.

"This is the place Kyle went to," says the one with curly blonde hair.

"Yeah he says they are good," he says not so quietly.

"Hello," says the one who is built like a football player.

"Hello. Welcome to 3 Friends Bakery. What can I get for y'all," I say looking up at them. Wow they're tall.

"Do you have a menu we can look at first" says the curly headed one.

"Yes, it's right here on the counter," I say as they look at the menu on the counter.

"How is the lemon cake," says the curly headed guy.

"It's good. Mia here makes it. But people tend to not buy it. And they miss out big time. In my opinion, it's one of the best cakes we make," I say.

"Well I want a slice. And I'll take 2 chocolate chip cookies," he says as I ring it up.

"This is all on one order but I'll take a slice of chocolate cake and 2 peanut butter cookies," says the guy with pretty eyes. He looks so good: nice hair, and nice looks.

"And I'll take the orange cake and a glass of sparkling lemonade," says the football type guy.

"Okay that will be 15.20," I say.

"So which one of us are paying," says nice eyes.

"I don't know," says curly.

"How about whoever makes the most money pays," says football.

"We all make a lot," says nice eyes.

"Man I'll pay," says curly headed guy pulling out his wallet.

"Thanks Melo," says nice eyes.

"Yeah yeah," says Melo.

"Thanks lil bro," says the other guy.

"Okay sign for me," I say as their receipt prints.

As he signs the receipt , I turn to Mia who is staring at Melo, the curly headed dude.

"Mia can you get the cookies and I'll get the cake," I say as I get three small plates. She snaps out if her little trance and looks at me.

"Sure I'll do that. I'll get that drink too. Do you guys want water," she says looking the two who didn't order drinks.

"Sure," says the nice eyes. I need to know his name.

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