Chapter 18

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Gelo's house above
Image not mine. Credit to the person who took this photo.

Melo pov.

Today is our last day in Portland. I got my bills situated and life is good.

Mia and I did so many fun things this week. We went miniature golfing, saw 2 movies and went on a helicopter ride.

Her favorite part was the helicopter ride. At first Mia was scared and was screaming when we were taking off. But she got used to it and was enjoying herself. But we got some good pictures from this.

And we learned more about each other. Mia told me about her past with her mom being a botanist and her dad is a doctor. They grew up in a poorer area if her city so that way her dad could be closer to his patients. Her dad had worked at a clinic in the hood and it was 24/7. He needed to be close to work as possible. He would be called in at any time.

That's how she met AJ because they were next door neighbors.

She told me how she was on the dance team in high school and how she has a passion for astronomy.

Her backup degree is in astronomy and physics. I asked her why she never persured something in that field. But she said baking was her passion.

Then she spilled that she applied for a job at NASA. But she wouldn't say which location she applied for.

She hasn't told AJ or Karen this. She's scared because she helped so much into the bakery and she feels like she's abandoning them. She's not in my opinion. She's pursing something else. If she doesn't want to bake for the rest of her life then that's her. Nobody can stop her from doing what she wants to do.

Also I learned that she really wants a puppy but Karen and AJ said no pets in the apartment.

If she lived with me she would get that puppy instantly.

But we also got into our relationship and strengthened our bond. In a nutshell this was a good week.

Gelo pov.

Other than that day at the restaurant, this week was smooth sailing. All the bills were paid and Karen had fun.

I took her to the stadium and we played one on one. Didn't know Karen knew how to play basketball.She taught me how to play volleyball as well.

We got to learn more about each other as well. We also discussed how to work out a long distance relationship. I don't want a repeat if Isabella. I want Karen and I to work.

And if she doesn't want to move out here I understand. We just started dating. Plus she has the bakery to take care of.

Also I learned that she did some modeling before. She tried one summer off form college. It was a success but she decided to stay in school instead of dropping out.

We learned word fun facts about each other. For example Karen likes to put cookie dough on her pickles. That's sounds nasty.

She got to see my house and she was surprised. She adored the house. When we had to leave to go to the airport, she was so sad. She loved my garden where I have fruits and vegetables growing.

Currently we are on a plane going home to LA. Mia and Melo already made it to LA and they are waiting on us.

We are going to enjoy our last couple of weeks in LA. I can't believe we are levaing them behind. This has been the best summer by far in a while.


Zo pov.

"Where are they," says AJ as we look aroudn the airport. It is 2pm and Gelo says they landeded. And now it has been 30 minites and we see no sign of them as we stand by baggage claim.

"Where are they. Call them," says AJ.

"You do it. Oh wait you left your phone home for the tenth time. You lost your phone three times this week," I say as I click Gelo's name on my contacts.

It rings and he picks up.

"Yeah," ve says.

"Where are you," I say.

"We are outsidem," says Gelo.

"I thought you guys were still in the airport," I say.

"Now we got our bags and handed outside. Where are you," says Gelo.

"We are inside. We coming," I say.


Soon all of us are in my apartment talking.

"Guys where do we go form here," says Mia.

"What do you mean," I say.

"Only one of us will still see their boyfriend," says Mia.

"Yeah," says Karen.

"But se talked about doing long distance," says Gelo.

"I know but I still want to see you," says Karen.

"I know you do," says Gelo.

"What if we break up Melo," says Mia.

"We won't," says Melo.

"I don't know Melo. I don't know about you but I don't know if long distance will work for us," says Mia.

"What are you trying to say," says Melo.

"I don't know. Let's just enjoy these two weeks and see how it goes," says Mia.

"No Mia tell me," says Melo as his face starts to get red.

"Melo no," says Mia fighting tears.

"Mia just do it," says Melo.

"I think we should break up," says Mia crying.

"You really want to throw us away. We've barley started. We can handle the distance," says Melo crying.

"I'm not throwing us away. I just think we can't be together. I need you here with me too much," says Mia.

"Mia I need you too. You are the only perosn I want to be with. Always know that. I don't know if we will ever get back together. If we do that it's amazing. But Mia never forget what we had," says Melo as he stands up and runs to his room. All we hear is a door slam.

Mia cries and stands up. She then too runs out my apartment. AJ and Karen run after her.

"Melo," I yell as we go to his room.

I get to my guest room and pounf on the door.

"Open the door," says Gelo.

"No open the door when Mia comes back," he says as we hear sobs.

Gelo turns the door knoe and we see Melo sititng in the middle of the bed crying. His eyes are red and puffy.

"Bro," says Gelo as he sits next to Melo.

"Go away," he says as I sit down on the other side.

Gelo hugs him and Melo breaks down.

"Why is she doing this to me. We had such a great week and then she does this," he says.

"Mia is just scared. She'll come around bro. You will get back together. Karen is scared too. The have never done something like this before," says Gelo.

"Then why didn't you guys break up. She trusts you guys relationship," he says.

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