Chapter 27

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Skip to Summer League

Mia pov.

"Ahhh basketball," says Gelo as him and Karen walk hand in hand. They made up fianlly and we all are so happy for them.

Melo and I have been doing amazing.

We started wedding planning and let me tell ya it's some work. But my mom is helping and his mom is too.They were so happy when we announced we were getting married.

Today we are watching Boston vs. Cleveland where we are all sitting courtside.

Gelo told us that if Cleland wins this game he'll propose to Karen. If they lose he waits until they win the next game.

We find our seats and sit down. AJ is on my right and Melo on my left.

"So this time last year we met y'all," says AJ.

"Yeah around this time. This is when Zo took you on that failed date," says Gelo.

"Hey," says Zo.

"It wasn't a fail. I was just upset," she says.

"But this year has been a journey," says Karen.

"It sure has," says Melo throwing his arm over my shoulder.

"Who would've thought I would be engaged," I say looking at my ring.

"Right I would have not thought that," says Karen. I notice that AJ said nothing and just looked at the rookies warming up. I'll talk to her later.


Well they lost so we have to wait to see Gelo propose to Karen. We are coming back here later to watch Portland vs. Phoenix.

We are currently walking back to our hotel that we are staying in. Unlike our vaction, we all have seperate rooms.

When we arrive there, AJ asks if we can talk in her and Zo's room.

"Sure," I say.

Everyone else went into Melo and I's room because the boys brought 2k.

We enter their room and AJ sits on one of the queen sized beds while I sit on the other one.

The minute she sits down she starts to cry.

"AJ what's wrong," I say.

"Everyone's getting married and I'm not. Karen is about to have a huge rock on her finger and you have a ring. Zo hasn't said nothing of marriage to me," she says.

"That's why you said nothing when I mentioned the engagement," I say and she nods.

"Yeah I was upset. My best friends ar getting married. You're going to be called Mrs. Ball but what about me? Ms. Brown," she says.

"Well AJ Zo may not he ready for marriage. He's gonna do it when the time is right. He's not gonna do it just because his brothers are doing it," I say.

"I know but I love Zo. I want him to propose so bad. But I'm not telling him this," she says.

"Why not? I think you should," I say.

"I might sound clingy," she says.

"AJ you're not clingy," I say.

"Yeah I am. I'm at his apartment all the time, we see each other all the time," says AJ.

"That's not clingy! I do the same with Melo and you see that I'm not clingy," I say.

"You're right," saysAJ wiping tears.

I go over and sit next to her on the bed.

"AJ you're my best friend. Zo will marry you. I believe it. But it may take time. Zo isn't like Melo or Gelo. He needs to think about commitment. He never talks about if he's ready or not. He may think that it's to soon," I say.

"I don't think it is," she says.

"But that's you AJ. Just wait for Zo to come around. He he doesn't propose by my wedding then talk to him," I say and she nods.

"You're right. Thanks Mia," she says hugging me.

"You're welcome. And speaking of wedding, will you be my maid of honor. I know that this should be automatically but I still wanna ask," I say.

"Of course I'll be it," she says smiling.

"And I'll be yours when the time comes," I say.

"Right," she says smiling.We hear the door knock.

"Are you guys done will girl talk. I don't want to play 2k and that bed is calling my name. I need a nap," says Zo.

"Well looks like I'll be cuddled to him for a lil minute," says AJ.

"You sure will be," I say.

"Wait one more thing I just forgot," she says.

"What is it," I say.

"Trey texted me yesterday," she says.

"What? why? What did he say," I say.

"He said hello and I replied who is this? He said Trey and I didn't reply," she says.

"How did he text you? I thought you blocked him," I say.

"He texted me from a new number. Hw must have gotten a new phone," she says.

"What are you going to do," I say.

"Nothing for now. I delted the message and blocked him. I just can't tell Zo or he'll freak out," she says.

"You're right. But we need to tell Karen," I say.

"No not her right now. She'll tell Melo or Gelo. And then they will tell Zo and he'll get mad," she says.

"But she's our friend," I say.

"Yeah but she will tell. I don't think she'll keep this secret. Only you know right now. Don't tell Melo and I won't tell Zo," she says.

"Okay," I say.

"Are you done," says Zo knocking on the door again. AJ chuckles and stands up to open the door.

"Finally I need a nap," says Zo as he enters.

"Okay well I'm going to go," I say standing up.

"Okay Mia see ya later," says AJ as Zo pulls her down in the bed with him.

"I'll close the door behind me," I say leaving the room and closing the door.

I return to our room and Gelo and Melo are playing 2k. Karen is in here but she is laying down.

I sit next to Melo on our bed and he looks down at me for a second.

"How was meeting with AJ," he says.

"Fine," I say and go on my phone.

Tyrone is here and so is King. We are all staying in the same hotel. We were gonna stay in a house but someone beat us to it.

Tyrone: Best friend we're coming to this game tonight

Me: okay text me when y'all are there

Tyrone: cool

I am still on my phone when my phone buzzes. I get a text and I'm thinking it's Tyrone. But it's not.

Unknown: Hello Mia

Me: Who are you?

Unknown: Trey

Me: How did you get my number?????

Unknown: Don't worry about it. Just know that I have eyes and ears watching AJ at this summer game. She will be my friend then girlfriend again just know that.

Me: who are your eyes and ears?

Unknown: Oh you'll find out but bye bye Mia

I put my phone down and think. Someone here is talking to Trey. But who is it?

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