Chapter 11

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AJ pov.

Currently we are at the game and I notice that Lonzo isn't wearing his uniform.

"Did he leave his uniform home," I say to Gelo.

"Nah they don't have to wear them today," he says.

"Oh okay," I say.

"Okay I'm back with iccees," says Karen.

"You only have 2," says Melo.

"You brought us none," I say.

"Y'all didn't ask," she says.

"How can we ask when we didn't know," says Melo.

"Umm I'm going ghost," she says as she sits next to Gelo.

Melo rolls his eyes and looks at Mia as she tries to play candy crush. This is her favorite game. She likes this game like Melo like 2k.

"Almost," says Melo.

Mia keeps tapping and then her game ends.

"Damn," she yells.

Karen and I gasp while Gelo is laughing. Melo has his mouth open.

"Mia I haven't heard you say that," says Mia.

"Well it happens," she says blushing.

"My innocent baby," says Melo.

"She ain't innocent," says Karen as we bith laugh.

"I thought you went ghost," says Melo.

"Yeah I'm a ghost trying to inform you. Go in her room and see her bookshelf," says Karen whispering.

"No don't," says Mia.

"Mia what you be doing at night," smirks Gelo.

"Nothing," she says blushing and hididng in Melo's chest.

"So guys next week I have ti go to Cleveland to check up on my house," says Gelo.

"Same I gotta go to Portland next week too. I gotta pay my bills. I was gonna pay online but they are like the online site is down," says Melo.

"That's fun,"says Mia.

"Yeah I can't believe I have a house at 22," says Melo groaning.

"You're 22," I say shocked.

"How old did you think I look," says Melo.

"17," I say.

"Gorl please you 12. Gonna call the cops on Zo,"says Melo.

"Boy please," I say.

"12 year old," mumbles Melo.

"A thicc 12 year old," says Gelo.

"Gelo," says Karen snapping.

"What I'm just saying. You know it too," says Gelo.

"But still why you gotta talkabout her like that," says Karen as she gets up and walks towards the exit.

"Karen wait," says Gelo.

"I'm snitching ad telling Zo," says Melo laughing.

"No he'll get mad for sure," I say.

"Yeah but I want to see him yell and get angry. He's funny when he's mad," Says Melo.

"I bet he's sexy," I say.

"I heard that. I'm telling him that too," says Melo as he's texting Zo.

"Ha he can't see the message," I say as I watch Zo warm up.

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