Chapter 21

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AJ pov. Still at dinner time

"So where are you guys staying at in Phoenix so we can meet up," says King.

"We're renting a house," says Melo.

"Do you want to come stay with us," I say and Zo sends me a hard glare. Who tf is he looking at like that?

"No but thanks. I don't think your boyfriend would be too happy," he says chuckling.

Zo needs to he nice to King. Yes he likes me and everything but he's a nice guy.

"So how's Tyrone," says Mia changing the subject.

"Of course you want to know," says King smirking as Melo rolls his eyes.

Tyrone is King's best friend and workout buddy. He met Mia and they became instant friends. Melo is also mad that Mia is best friends with Brandon Ingram too.

"He's good. He might come to Phoenix with me. But he says he lost your number and that's why he hasn't been texting you," says King.

"Oh okay give me his number so I can text him," says Mia as she pulls her phone out.

'"Okay," says King as Mia hands him her phone with a new contact page open.


When dinner and dessert are done, I send King home with the leftover lasagna and lemon cake.

Once I close the door I see an upset Zo glaring at the door and Melo looking annoyed.

"Why did you give him my leftovers," says Zo.

"One it's not yours and two you need to learn how to share my leftovers. You hog them all for yourself," I say.

"Well I just enjoy your cooking since I can't cook," says Zo.

"We need to take you on cooking lessons then," I say smiling.

"Oh no all the food will be black,"says Zo.

"Preach it my brotha," says Melo.

"I didn't need you to jump in," says Zo.

"Go somewhere Zo," says Melo.

"But Zo I'm serious. I'm signing you up for cooking classes," I say as I push past him to go to his room. This room has low-key became our room over the past year. I'm here 3-4 days a week.

"AJ," he whines as he follows me.


Mia pov.

After AJ goes into Zo's room with him following, Melo turns to me.

"So you just gonna give away the cake too," he says.

"Yes we are trying to be nice," I say.

"I get that but I wanted at least one more slice," says Melo.

"Sorry babe if I knew I would have saved you a slice. Oh wait I did," I say smirking.

"You did," he says smiling.

"Yep it's in the fridge," I say as he zooms to the fridge.

"Well Gelo and I are going skydiving tomorrow," says Karen.

"Gelo you agreed to doing this," I say shocked.

"Yeah it seems fun," says Gelo.

"Have you been before Mia," says Karen.

"Nope but I would try it," I say.

"Come with Gelo And I tomorrow," says Karen.

"Sure," I say as my phone buzzes.

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