Chapter 29

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AJ pov.

Every since we came home from Phoenix Mia and I have been on high alert.

We have yet been able to speak to the others about King and Tyrone because they are over all the time!

We haven't told Karen anything because she has been getting close with King and we don't know what he'll do if Karen confronts him.

So I have also tried to contact Trey again but he isn't answering.

But good thing about this is that Lonzo was house searching a couple of months ago and he found a house. It is now move in ready and he's excited. Today we came over to help him pack.

King and Tyrone came and we are trying to confront them because they need to know that we know what they are doing.

"Okay so Karen and I are going to carry the first boxes into the moving truck," says Gelo.

"Okay we are coming with y'all," says Melo as him and Zo grab a box.

"Can y'all four finish packing the kitchen," says Zo and we nod. Soon they leave and close the door. Time to confront.

"So how are you ladies doing," says King.

"We are fine," says Mia.

"I'm good," I say as I pull mugs out. One mug catches me attention. I remember this. Trey gave me this. I decided to hide it in Zo's apartment because I didn't want it in mine.

"Isn't that the mug Trey got you," says Mia. Good job with brining him up!!!!

"Yeah," I say.

"Who is Trey," says Tyrone playing dumb.

"He's my ex best friend," I say.

"Why aren't y'all friends," says King.

"He wanted me to date him and I refused to. He either said that I date him or we aren't friends. And I liked Zo so I wasn't going to be with Trey," I say.

"Oh," says King acting like he hasn't heard this before.

"Okay I'm tired of this let's stop beating around the bush, you know Trey! Both of y'all," says Mia.

"Yeah we do and," says Tyrone.

"You guys have been his eyes and ears," I say.

"Glad to see you guys have figured it out," says King.

"How do you know him," I yell.

"Trey's girl is feisty isn't she? Good thing my Mia is quiet," says Tyrone smirking at Mia.

"Stop looking at her and answer my question," I yell standing in front of Mia.

"Well one day you guys went out for lunch or something. Trey came and was banging on the door. He was calling your name and I opened my door to see what he wanted.

He told me the story about y'all and he said he wanted you back. I told him that I liked you but he said that you were his. So I lost me feelings for you.

Then he said he needs you so I said that no can do since you have Zo. He said he wanted to break y'all up. I was down for it. I didn't like y'all two together anyways. So we made a plan and Tyrone got in on it too. We make friends with you and keep eyes on you. In exchange I got Karen and Tyrone got Mia," says King.

"Do you even like Karen," says Mia.

"After I lost feelings for AJ I realised that I like Karen more. So I pretended to flirt with AJ. I thought that maybe Zo and AJ would break up," says King.

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