Chapter 13

2K 49 0

Melo pov.

I walk into the bakery to see that the girls have closed it.

It's 3pm what did they close this early.

I open the door to see the girls plus Lonzo sitting down and eating cookies.

"Why did y'all call me," I say as I sit next to Mia.

"We need to talk," says Mia.

Is she breaking up with me?

"You're breaking up with me? What did I do," I say getting upset.

"No we're not breaking up," she says laughing.

"Oh okay then what is it," I say getting suspicious.

"We need to talk to you about your 2k problem," say Zo.

"I don't have a problem," I say.

"Yeah you do," says Zo.

"Okay then give an example," I say as I lean back and cross my arms.

"Everytime you come over, you sit there and don't make a sound. I try to talk but you're too busy playing 2k. I don't know why I even let you bring that into the apartment. I'm lonely even though you're there," says Mia.

"I'm sorry I'll try and do better," I say.

"No you're gonna do be," she says sternly.

"Wow look at that lil attitude," I say.

"Melo we're trying to help you," says Karen.

"You're acting like I have a addiction. What is this an intervention," I say.

"Well what do you think it is?" says AJ.

"I didn't need the smart mouth," I say.

"I wasn't being smart at my mouth," she says.

"Look let's not fight. Melo all we are asking is for you to play 2k less and focus on Mia more," says Karen.

"Okay," I say.

"Okay we're gonna let you two talk about how to balance you with 2k and your relationship. We'll be in the back not listening," says Karen as they all leave.

"Melo," says Mia.

"Yeah," I say.

"I want you to really focus on 2k less. I wanna cuddle and talk to you but you play too much," she says.

"You want to cuddle," I say.

"Yeah like all the time," she says.

"Come here," I say as I pull her close.

I wrap my arms around her.

"I promise I will try and play 2k less," I say as I kiss her forehead.

"Okay," she says.

"Now can I have some cake," I say pouting.

"No," says AJ as they all come from the kitchen.

"Don't listen to her of course you can," says Mia as she stands up.

"See my baby got me," I say as AJ rolls her eyes.

"Hey guys I was wondering when you guys leave," says Karen.

"Leave for what," I say as she sits down across from me.

"For the beginning of the season. I won't see Gelo," says Karen.

"And I won't see Mia," I mumble. I never thought about when I have to leave for Portland. I'm leaving my girlfriend.

"How are Gelo and I going to do long distance. He lives in Cleveland. I don't know about this," says Karen.

"Look Karen, I'm not breaking up with Mia and I know for sure Gelo isn't breaking up with you. You don't realise how this man came into my room at 3 am to talk about you," I say remembering that night.

"He thought about me that late at night," says Karen.

"He still does. That boy has fallen for you hard Karen. He wouldn't give you guy's relationship up," I say.

"Melo but I don't know with long distance. What if we break up? What if we barley communicate," says Karen.

"Look he's going to probably be factiming you 24/7," I say chuckling.

"You're right. He does that a lot. He even did it the minute I stepped outside if Lozno's apartment. He claimed he missed me when he just saw me," she says laughing.

"That boy is clingy low-key," I say.

"So are you. You love yourself some Mia but you don't admit it," says Karen.

"I'm not clingy. I try to give her space," I say.

"Y'all are constantly with each other. You cuddle anytime you are next to each other. And instead of playing 2k at Lonzo's apartment, you come all the way over to ours just to be in the same room as Mia," says Karen as I blush a bit.

"Well," I say as Mia comes back.

"Here's your cake," she says as she kisses my cheek.

"Thank you. Where is Zo and AJ," I say.

"Over there having a discussion," says Karen.

I look behind me and see them at a table laughing band joking. I look at Lonzo as his eyes shine with the adoration for AJ.

"They look so happy," says Mia.

"Because they are. I'm glad the are together. They better get married," says Karen.

"Can't force people to marry," I say.

"Well they are about to be. They need each other. But I don't know how this is going with Trey," says Karen.

"Who is Trey,"I say.

"That is AJ's best guy friend, well ex now. He likes her a lot. And he came last week but AJ rejected him when he asked her to be his girlfriend," says Karen.

"So why are you so concerned," I say.

"Melo are you dumb. This boy likes her when she has a boyfriend and he don't care one bit," she says.

"Did AJ ever like him," I say as I stick my fork into the cake. This cake is so good. Mia is the best baker I've met.

"No never. She always saw him as a friend," says Mia.

"How did they meet," I say.

"Well his aunt lived next door to AJ. And he would come over to her house everytime he visited," says Mia.

"He's not from Michigan," I say.

"No he's from Cali," she says.

"Do you happen to know what part," I say.

"He is from the LA," says Mia.

"His background sounds familiar," I say.

Then we hear AJ and Zo laughing their butts off.

"What are you two lovebirds talking about," says Karen changing the topic. I think I've heard of him before. I know I have.

"None of your buisness," says AJ as she and Lonzo start laughing.

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