Chapter 31

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Zo pov.

I wake up and I'm on the floor with handcuffS on.

We are in some cabin and this floor is cold.

"Look they are awake," says Isabella.

"Shut up," says Gelo sitting up.

"Aww Gelo you need to be quiet sweetie," says Isabella.

"I'm not yours," he growls out.

"Awww are you still tired," says Isabella.

"No I'm fully awake you bi-" he says but Isabella slaps him.

"Don't you dare call me that," I she says.

We hear screaming and the door opens.

"AJ," I yell as her and Mia are brought in.

"Melo," yells Mia trying to get out of Trey's grip and she does. She runs to Melo and hugs him.

AJ hits Trey in the arm and he lets her go. She runs to me and attacks my face in kisses.

"Aww my baby," she says hugging me.

I kiss her forehead and she is yanked back and sits hard on her butt. Then she is handcuffed and placed next to me.

"Now we are about to leave you all here. Have fun," says Trey as he does the same to Mia.

"What about us being with you guys and taking us to Zo's house," says Mia.

"Changed our minds. You girls aren't worth it anymore. All of y'all are ugly anyways," says King as him and Tyrone laugh. I growl and want to punch the daylights out of them.

"Now stand up Gelo, you're coming with me," says Isabella trying to stand him up.

"No get your hands off of me," he snaps moving around.

King and Tyrone force Gelo up and they start to escort him to the door.

But the door is kicked down and Jordon enters. Wait Jordon????

"Jordon," says Isabella.

"I knew you still liked him. I should have never married you. No wonder my mom hates you. I'm done with you," he says.

"Jordon," she says crying but those tears are faker than my hair right now..

"Don't fake tears. I'm not falling for that mess. You played me. I'm divorcing you," he says.

"Okay divorce me I don't care. I have Gelo anyways," she says.

"No let him go. He doesn't want you and neithwr do I. I thought you were gonna be the one. But no you're not the one I love anymore now let LiAngelo go," says Jordon.

King kicks Jordon to the floor and Jorodn and him start to fight.

"Come on white boy can you even fight," says King and Jordon knocks him out cold with one punch.

"King," says Trey trying to wake him up. Jordon takes that as his opportunity to kick Trey in the leg.

"Let us go or Jordon find some keys," AJ yells.

"AJ shutup. We need to leave now. Let King be here we can leave him. He was my puppet anyways," says Trey picking himself up and wobbles to the door.

Then we hear sirens. The police!!!!!!

"Nevermind fend for yourselves I'm out of here," says Isabella as she sprints out the door and into the woods.

The cops pull up and bust into the house.

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