Chapter 15

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AJ pov.

I wake up to my phone buzzing like crazy.

"Who is this," I mumble as I get my phone from my nightstand.

24 text message from Zo😍

What in the world is wrong with him? Instead of replying to his messages, I just call him.

Before he can get a hello out I go off.

"Why are you buzzing my phone up? Don't you know it's 7 am in the morning. Why are you up? Take your behind to sleep or something and stop bothering me. You waking me up on a friday this early. Now I'm up and I don't fall back asleep as easily. Now what did you want," I say.

"Okay good morning to you and I just wanted to send a paragraph but I sent it in more than one text messages," says Zo.

"24 messages," I say.

"I kept making spelling mistakes. I sent about 4 but 20 of them are just my correction for spelling," he says.

"Oh," I say as I go to the messenger app on my phone.

I read through and I do zee the spelling error. This is so sweet of him.

"Lonzo this is so sweet of you to send. Sorry for snapping," I say.

"I know. Go back to sleep. I'll call you later," he says.

"I told you I can't fall asleep now," I say as I lay back down on my pillow.

"Okay get dressed and come here," he says.

"Wait was this a plan yo get you to come here," I say.

"The diner opens at 9 am," he says.

"Lonzo you did all of this just to take me to breakfast when you could have just asked me," I say.

"But I meant everything in that paragraph tho," he says.

"Uggg I'm coming over," I say.

"Okay see you babe. And don't wear those-," he says but I hang up on him.

After I do my personal hygiene and everything, I put on the grey leggings Lonzo doesn't want me to wear out in public.

I knock on Lonzo's door loudly since I hear someone playing 2k with the volume up.

The door flies open and Lonzo stands there with a smile.

"Babe," he says looking down at me as he holds his arms out.

"Zo," I say as I curve his hug and enter.

"Bro why are y'all so loud playing 2k. It's eight in the morning," says Melo as he comes from his room.

"AJ come back and give me a hug," says Zo as he locks the door.

"Good morning Melo," I say as he hugs me.

"Sup," he says as he enters the kitchen. He pulls out some Cheerios and Lonzo walks towards me.

"And no kiss either. And why are you wearing those pants," he says looking at my behind.

"One my eyes are up here and two I wear what I want. Now give me my breakfast," I say.

"Oh someone's sassy this morning. What did Zo do," says Melo as he pours his milk into the cereal.

"He woke me up early just to take me out to breakfast," I say.

"Why you mad? You getting free food," he says.

"I wanted to sleep in. Then I was gonna go to the bakery at 11 and then the game," I say.

"Speaking of the bakery. I need to come today cuz Mia is baking that lemon cake," says Melo as he grabs a spoon and walks into the living room with Gelo.

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