Chapter 6

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Zo pov.

So it's Monday and I decide to walk into the bakery.

I see AJ helping and old lady picking up cupcakes.

"Well chocolate is good," says AJ.

"Yeah but I think I'll give those to my grandchilden," she says.

"Oh you have grandkids how many," says AJ smiling.

"I have 2 and they are twins. Sweetest children. How about you sweetie any children," says the lady.

AJ blushes and turns her head a little.

"No I don't have any kids. But one day I will," she says.

"Oh make sure you tell your husband you want kids  before it's too late," says the lady.

"Um I'm not married," says AJ.

"But you are so beautiful? How has a guy not married you yet," she says.

"Haven't found the right one," she says as she looks up at me. So she knows I'm here.

"He'll come," says the lady.

"Hey AJ," I say waving.

"Hello Lonzo," she says smiling and being nice since this lady is here.

"Oh you two know each other," says the lady.

"Yeah," I say.

"He's your boyfriend," says the lady.

"Oh no mam just a regular customer," says AJ.

"Y'all would be cute," says the lady.

"Thank you," I say as my face gets hot.

After the eldery lady leaves, and I help her to her car and then I return to the shop.

"Hey," I say.

"What do you want. And where is your girlfriend? Guess she didn't come for a round 2," says AJ.

"Just a slice of chocolate cake with a lemonade. And she isn't her because she has a photo shoot" I say looking down at her. She's so tiny! I love it.

"Sure let me get you cake," she says as she gets the slice and ignores the part about where Maria is.

"Um you didn't ring my cake up," I say.

"I don't feel like ringing this up. Just take the free cake and go," she says getting annoyed.

"No I'm gonna sit down," I say to make her even more annoyed. I have to hold in my laugh.

"Oh my gosh," she groans as she throws a towel onto the counter.

"I don't know why you hate me. I'm a loveable guy," I say.

"You're a player. I don't need that. Plus you have a so called girlfriend," she says. I really wanted to spill that I ain't dating Maria.

All of a sudden the bakery door opens. A guy who looks under 6ft enters and looks right at AJ. Who is this?

"Hey AJ," says a guys as he walks in. Her smile lights up like a Christmas tree and she comes from around the counter.

"Trey," she says and hugs him wrapping her arms around his neck.

"How are you lil muffin," he says.

"I'm fine how about you," she says.

This dude looks familiar. I feel like I've seen him on TV.

"Oh Trey this is Lonzo," she says looking at me.

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