Chapter 25

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AJ pov. Sunday.

It's Sunday night and it's around 2 am.

We decided to catch a late flight so we could be there early in the morning.

We all are in the airport waiting for our flight to get called.

Gelo and Karen are fighting so they have not been talking to each other for the past couple of days.

And Mia and Melo have been acting more lovey dovey than usual. Ever since Melo came home friday night he hasn't wiped a smile off his face yet. Mia has been acting like that too. They both seem to he on cloud 9 or something.

"Hey babe these peanuts have no salt," says Zo as I asked him to go and buy some peanuts for me.

"It's okay Zo. Thanks," I say opening the pack.

We all wait for our flight to be called and then it does get called.

"Let's go guys," I say because Gelo and Karen have earbuds in.

Mia and Melo get up and collect their stuff but still are staring at each other like they are in their own bubble. I don't know what's wrong with them but I'll ask Mia later.

We all walk towards where we go to get on the plane.

When we get on the plane and get settled, Karen and Gelo are sitting next to each other.

"AJ do you want to switch seats," says Gelo.

"No," says Zo.

"Was this your question," says Gelo.

"No but my girl isn't sitting over there for the whole flight. Plus I have to sit by you and you're going to complain about your problems," says Zo.

"You're my brother aren't you supposed to listen to my problems," he says.

"Yeah but not today. This is a vacation. You two need to forget your problems for once and enjoy this vacation. I'm going to sleep. If I wake up and AJ isn't next to me, you're toast," says Zo pointing at Gelo and Karen.

We decided to ride first class and we have to sit in pairs and that's why Gelo is requesting the switch. Plus the boys need more space since their legs are so long.


We have been flying for two hours now and Zo is still sleeping. Karen fell asleep too. Mia and Melo are watching a movie together. So Gelo and I are the only ones aware of what is going on.

"AJ can we talk," says Gelo as he takes his earbuds out for the first time since we left the apartment.

"Sure," I say.

He stands up and sits in the empty seat in front of me and turn to face me.

"I'm not sure if Karen and I will last. She thinks I still like Isabella," he says.

"Why would she think that," I say. I remember Karen telling me about Isabella who is Gelo's ex girlfriend.

"Well Isabella And I talk on a daily basis and we are just friends but Karen thinks it's more than that," he says.

"She doesn't think you are cheating. All she is saying is that you are still talking to your ex. She doesn't like that. I wouldn't like it if Zo was talking to his," I say.

"You're right but we are just friends. She's married. Why is she gonna cheat on her husband and why would I cheat. Clearly we weren't meant for each other and we have found people that make us better," says Gelo.

"Just because she's married doesn't mean anything," I say.

"AJ do you think I am cheating. For how long you have known me," says Gelo.

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