Chapter 24

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Melo pov. Friday. Day before they have to pack to leave for vacation.

Today is the day I propose to Mia.

I feel like after this vacation we will be traveling for summer league and everything so I think that I'm going to do it now.

I have nothing special planed. I'm literally gonna walk into her apartment and propose. Also she's home alone so I don't have to worry about an audience.

I wanted to propose to her at a quiet place with nobody around. Also if she rejects me it won't look that bad because nobody saw it and we can pretend I never proposed.

I didn't tell anybody that I was doing this today. They think I'm going to the store to get milk since Lonzo ran out of it.

Mia didn't come because she went to the bakery and they were crowded so she wanted to nap at a quiet place. Zo's place can get loud with all of us there.

I hope she's awake because I called her and she didn't answer.

Right now I'm at her door nervous. I have never done something like this before. It's nothing compared to how I get around important games. Mia is different. She could be my future wife!

I knock on her door after standing here for 20 minutes just staring at it.

"Who is it? I'm too short to look at the peephole," she says and I chuckle.

"It's Melo," I say and she opens the door.

"Hello," she says hugging me.

"Hi," I say and we let go of each other.

She closes the door and walks towards the living room. I pull the box out and slowly follow her.

She goes and looks out the window. I take this as my opportunity to get on one knee.

"It's nice outside. We might need to go a and take a walk later," she says.

I don't reply.

"Melo, why aren't you answering are you in the bath-," and she doesn't finish the sentence because she turned around and saw me. She starts crying and I proceed to talk.

"Mia we've been together for less than a year now. You are my best friend and I can't think of myself with anyone but you. You make me smile, laugh and feel relaxed. You are my calmness. Whenever I go through a rough patch in the season you are there. If I got into a fight with my brothers you were there. When we were long distance it strengthens us. We have a bond that can't be broken. Mia I love the heck out of you and you know I want no other girl. I am ready to settle down and start a new chapter of my life with you. You are the most special person to me and I hold you dear to my heart. I want to wake up next to you and only you every morning and sleep next to you at night. I want us to have a family of our own and grow old together. I have said a lot but Mia will you marry me," I say tearing up my own self.

She doesn't say anything but tackles me to the floor.

"Yes Melo," she says sobbing into my shirt.

"Thank you Mia," I say crying now.

We hold each other for a couple of minutes and I pull away.

"The ring," I say.

"Oh yeah," she says sitting and getting off of me but we still sit on the floor.

I hand it to her and she slips it on her ring finger.

"It's beautiful. Simple and beautiful. Thank you," she says staring at it in awe.

"You're welcome Mia," I say.

"Where's your ring," she says.

"Oh snap I forgot to get mine. I told Jared to surprise me," I say.

"Make sure you get it," she says kissing me.

"I will," I say pulling her towards me.

"So when do we tell the others," says Mia.

"We'll tell them next week. Don't wear your ring when the girls are around. I want to surprise them with out engagement," I say.

"Okay," she says.

"Mia I love you," I say.

"I love you too Melo," she says and yawns.

"Did I wake you up," I say.

"No you didn't. I was just getting up when you knocked on the door," she says.

"Well let's get you back to bed," I say picking her up and carrying her to her room.

"Can you stay and cuddle with me," she says and pouts.

"Yes I will stay,"I say the milk long forgotten about.

We slip into her bed and I pull the covers over us.

"Have a good nap," she says.

"You too Mrs. Ball," I say and she blushes.

I laugh and pull her close to me.

Soon she falls asleep and I fall asleep afterwards with the most amazing feeling inside of me.

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