Intro to Time Skip

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So the time skip takes place one year later.

So the boys left in August so this will take place starting in June of the next year.

I'm giving you a recap of what happened in May. The story will start after the Finals game is over and everyone is in LA for the off season.

It's playoff time and all of the boys are in it.

Lakers vs Portland is competing for the West and Cleveland vs Boston is competing for the East.

Mia and AJ are in LA and are flying back and forth from LA to Portland to watch the games.

Karen is doing the same but with Gelo.

Their bakery isn't open due to the amount of flying they are doing.

Everyone's relationship is doing well. Karen and Gelo had the most difficulty but it is working out just fine and same for Melo and Mia.

The boys met the girls parents within the year.They all welcomed them and treated them like their sons.

This is basically what just happened this month/year.

Now we return to the beginning of the book but different now.

On a side note:

1.Blake Griffin is returning this week and I'm so happy. I've been missing seeing him play.

2. Thank you for votes, comments and reads. It's so nice to see y'all reading and voting. It drives me to write because I see that people are reading. When I see 1k reads that lets me know people actually want to read this book. Thank you for taking time out your day to read my book.

3. I'm going to do a quick and mini q and a right here below this. I made up the questions but if you have any other question comment.

Q.Who is your favorite ball brother and why?
A. I do not have a favorite ball brother. I used to have a crush on Lonzo and LaMelo tho. But that went away when I found out they had girlfriends. It's just that everytime I find a cute guy on Instagram he has a girlfriend.😭

Q. What is my favorite NBA team?
A. I don't have a favorite NBA team. I have players that I keep up with.

Q. Who is my favorite NBA player?
A. Blake Griffin!!!!!! One day I saw him on tv and I was like who is he👀😍
So I asked my dad who that was and he said Blake Griffin. Honestly I wanted to sprint to my phone to find photos of him but I just left the living room calmly and went to look him up.

Now I've been a fan of him since like 2015 and he's my celebrity crush. I have heard of him before 2015 but I didn't get into him.

Blake is the reason why I got into basketball more. Before I found out about him I barley payed attention. Also wattpad is the reason of how I found out these basketball players. I would read NBA imagine books.

The Ball brothers made me find out about other high school basketball teams in different states and college basketball players.

And the Clippers are about to go against the Lakers soon. I'm sorry y'all but I always root for Blake. I'm sorry to see Lonzo lose but Blake is my #1.

Before Lonzo and Blake played for the first time I was freaking out. I didn't know who to root for. I was gonna stay neutral. I wouldn't care who won or not because I liked them both at the time.

But after I lost feelings for Lonzo, I realised that Lonzo distracted me from Blake. I kind of forgot about Blake when I found out about this family.😞

So I decided to root 100% for Blake. I'm sorry y'all. If Lonzo was going against any other team else I would root for him. This only applies to Lakers vs. Clippers games.

Q. How did you find out about this family?
A. I found out when LaMelo scored the 92 points. After I looked him up on Instagram that was it. I got so caught up in this family this summer especially.But I calmed down by the end of the summer and I've calmed down now. Now I don't keep up as much.

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