Chapter 19

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Mia pov. This chapter is short.

Today is Melo's last day in LA. We haven't seen or texted ech other in two weeks. I see snapchat videos from Karen and AJ as they spend time with their boyfriends.

Melo always looks sad in the videos and never looks at the camera.

One video I swear I saw him wipe a tear but you couldn't see him do it because he wasn't as close to the camera.

"Mia you coming to the airport to day bye to Gelo and Melo," says Karen as they grab their purses.

"No. Tell Gelo to have a good time in Cleveland," I say not looking at them. If I make eye contact with them I'll end up going.

"Going once going twice and let's go AJ," says Karen sadly as they leave.

The minite the door closes I start crying.

I had such a good thing going on and I ruined it. I haven't even told my parents about the break up. They think we are still together. I feel so bad lying to them.

I think about Melo and I. Could we have worked?

Now that I think about it we could. I'm scared that put relationship will go away. So I thought that if I break up with him now it will prevent us from breaking up later. The quicker the better I thought. I felt like we were going to break up soon so why not do it early?

But them I think about all the people who work out in the world doing long distance. Military couples whose significant other is overseas do it. People who have spouses living in another country or state do it. And Melo is just a state over. We have ways to comminuate. We will still see each other.

I overreacted to the situation. I need to talk to Melo. Karen told me his plane leaves at 2:40. It's 1:40 now. With  traffic I'll get there at 2:25. I need to hurry.

I grab my keys and throw some black flip flops on.

I literally speed out the apartment and down to the parking garage.

Soon I get on the road and I'm zooming down the street. I need to get my boyfriend back!


I park the car into a no parking zone and I get out the car. I speed walk in the inside and look around.

I see Melo and the others sititng around.

"Calling flight 301 to Portland," says the lady on the speaker.

I see Melo's tall frame standing up.

He starts walking after he says his good byes and I zoom past the others as I catch up to him.

"Mia," I hear Zo say.

I ignore him and see Melo.

"Melo," I shout. He stops and turns around.

"Mia," he says as I slow down.

"Melo I did something stupid. I never should have broken up with you. I was scared. I thought we couldn't work out. But then I realised how many people do a long distance relationship. We will work out," I say.

"Mia that's what I've been trying to tell you," says Melo.

"I know. I didn't want to believe it. But I'm sorry. Will you take me back," I say looking up at him.

He just stands there looking at me. I take it as a no and I start to cry and turn around. I sped and everything when he doesn't evn want me.

Before I could turn around fully he turns me around and slams his lips on mine. He pulls me closer and I hug him.

"Why ask that stupid question. Of course I want you," he says.

"Oh I thought you didn't want to get back together," I say.

"That's crazy. I wanted to get back with you the minute we broke up," he says.

"Last call for flight 301," says the lady on the speaker.

"I gotta go. Facetime me when you get home," he says kissing me one more time.

I nod and hug him. He jogs to the lady who checks his ticket. He turns his head and winks at me as he walks away.

I blush and turn around. All my friends are behind me.

"That was the sweetest thing ever," says Karen as she wipes her eyes.

"I'm so happy that you caught him. He was sitting her moping around. He didn't want to leave without seeing you. But his flight got called. If it didn't he called he wasn't going to leave until you came. That's why we kept asking you if you were coming," says AJ.

We all leave the airport with linked arms ready to see how our future will be.

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