Chapter 5

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Zo pov.

Right now I'm sitting in here waiting for Maria to come. Kyle left this morning to go to the bakery. I told him to bring me a doughnut. He better bring it.

I hear my apartment door bell ring and I open the door.

"Hello Maria," I say looking at her. I've got to admit this the girl is hot. But not as hot as AJ.

"Hello you must be Lonzo, the guy Kyle told me about," she says.

"Yeah come in," I say opening the he door wider. She enters and I close the door and lock it.

"So Kyle says you want me to be your fake girlfriend," she says sitting on my couch.

"Yeah. I'm trying to make sure that a girl likes me, and to show here I'm not a player" I say sitting too.

"Okay so how long will this be," she says.

"For all of next week. Monday through Friday," I say.

"Okay so I charge 700 dollars a day," she says.

"What in the world? But it's worth it," I say.

"Cool. Here is my number and text me our background story," she says.

"So I want you to meet me at the bakery on Arch street," I say.

"Oh that place. I heard their sweets are amazing," she says.

"Yeah they are. But I like the owner more," I say.

"Awww you like the owner," she says blushing.

"Yeah," I say blushing.



Today is tbe day that we walk into the bakery with AJ working today.

Maria met up with me and we both entered.

AJ has her head down looking into the glass where the pies are kept.

"Hello welcome to Three Girl's Bakery," she says.

"Hello," says Maria.

"Oh hi," says AJ as she looks up. Her eyes widen as she looks at us. I have my arm around Maria's waist and she is standing really close to me.

We walk up to the register.

"Hey Lonzo who's this," says AJ with a fake smile.

"This is my girl," I say.

"Your girl," she says.

"Yeah Maria meet AJ, the owner," I say.

"Hey my Zo has told em so much about this place," she says.

"Yeah well babe tell her what you want and I'll pay for it," I say kissing her head.

"Thanks," she says kissing my cheek.

AJ has a look of disgust.

"What do you want," says AJ glaring at Maria.

"Um I'll take a vanilla cupcake and a lemonade. What about you babe," she says.

"Slice of chocolate cake," I say.

"12.49," says AJ.

After I pay and we sit down, AJ brings our slices out.

"Here you go," she says and slams Maria's plate on the table.

She walks away and I can't help but stare at that a--get it together Lonzo!

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