Chapter 12

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AJ pov.

After we return to his apartment I put my leftovers in his kitchen.

He goes to sit down on the couch and is currently on his phone.

"Hey AJ come here," says Zo.

I walk towards him and he shows me his phone. It's his call logs.

"Why did you lie and say it was a wrong number," he says as I see Melo for recent phone calls.

I stay silent not knowing what to say.

"Why did he call," he says.

I am defiantly not telling him that.

"Okay since you're so silent I'm calling Melo," he says as he presses his name and calls him.

He puts Melo on speaker.

"Hello," says Melo.

"Aye Melo why did you call me earlier," says Zo.

"Oh that guy Trey has been blowing AJ's phone up. He still is. I'm coming to give you her phone. I can't take it. She needs to answer this man," says Melo.

"Oh he's calling her even after she rejected him," he says slowly.

"Yeah but he was saying how they need to talk tomorrow,"says Melo.

"Oh okay thanks for the info brother. Has Gelo left yet," says Zo.

"His is leaving for Phoenix at nine," says Melo.

"Okay I'll text him later," I say.

"Bye," says Melo as he hangs up.

Lonzo throws his phone. This boy is so possessive.

"Why is he calling you? He wants you," he yells as his face turns red.

Did I mention he's hot when he is mad?

"Yeah he still likes me," J say.

"He cant have you," he yells.

"I know that and you know that so calm tf down," I yell back.

"Calm down?" he growls as he stands up and towers over me. Honesty he needs to calm down or I'm going home.

"Yeah you heard me. Do I need to repeat myself. Trey can't have me so stop getting butt hurt," I say.

"Give me your phone when he gets here," he says calmly.

"No I'm not doing that,"  I say.

"You will," he says as he sits back down.

Soon Melo knocks on the door and Zo answers. He gets the phone and slams the door in Melo's face.

"Pass code," he says.

"1234 no," I say.

"Okay then fingerprint," he says as he grabs my hand and uses the fingerprint.

"Let's give him a call," says Zo as he puts Trey on speaker.

"Hey AJ you called back! You don't know how happy I am. Let's fix this. I won't pressure you into a relationship. I'll let us get into it naturally," he says.

"Excuse me but why you calling my girlfriend," says Zo.

"Lonzo," barks Trey.

"It's he," says Zo as he smirks.

"Where is AJ," he says.

"None if your buisness," snaps Zo.

"I'm here," I say.

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