Chapter 28

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Mia pov.

So we are at the second game and I am still thinking about what Trey texted me. I need to talk to AJ. We need to know who is talking to Trey.

"Mia you okay? Your zoning out," says Melo.

"I'm fine honey," I say leaning on his arm.

"Okay just making sure my girl is good," he says.

I look to see Tyrone and King coming our way.

"Hey King," says AJ as the get closer.

"Wassup," he says bending down to hug her while Zo glares already.

"Mia," says Tyrone standing in front of me.

"Sup Ty," I say hugging him.

"I'm good. We are tired though. We had a good gym session today," he says.

"Lovely," I say.

"Eww sweaty King," mumbles Melo.

"Be nice," I say looking at him.

"Well we are going to sit down now. Nice seeing ya best friend," he says walking away.

"I don't trust those two. Especially King," says Zo.

"Please, only because he likes me," says AJ.

"No truly he gives me a bad vibe," says Zo and AJ rolls her eyes.


AJ and I are finally alone since everyone else was on the court celebrating the win.

"AJ Trey texted me," I say.

"How does he have your number," says AJ with wide eyes.

"I don't know AJ! He says he was eyes and ears here watching you," I say and show her the messages. When she finishes reading it she gasps.

"No this has to stop. He can text me but he cannot mess with my best friend. I'm giving him a call," she says getting her phone out. We decide to sneak put since the guys and Karen are mingling with the team and other NBA players.

We find a bathroom and enter it quickly.

She dials Trey's new number and he picks up the first ring.

"AJ is that you," he says.

"Yes it's me dummy. I don't know what you are on Trey but stop texting me and defiantly stop texting Mia," she says.

"No can do lil muffin. I decided that I'm tired of waiting for you to break up with Zo. See AJ I'm not that emotional guy you saw last year. Now I'm not letting anybody stop me from getting you," he says.

"You will never have me. Explain the eyes and ears thing to me," she snaps.

"Oh my eyes and ears. They are there tonight. You know them. You've ate dinner with them and hung out with them," he says.

"Wait one of the brothers are your eyes and ears," I say.

"Oh you have me on speaker? Cute but anyways little Mia yes somebody you know. But I'm not snitching," he says.

"Who is it," snaps AJ.

"Calm down girl. Figure it out yourself. It's low-key obvious," he says and hangs up.

"Who do you think the traitor is," I say.

"Well it isn't Lonzo so it's either Melo or Gelo," says AJ.

"But they wouldn't do you like that AJ! They consider you a sister. They love you being with Zo. Why would they ruin their brothers relationship," I say.

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