Chapter 17

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(LaMelo's house above)
Image not mine credit goes to the person who took this photo

Melo pov.

Today is Monday and Mia and I are in Portland.

I drive up into my drive way and park my car.

I had my teammate drive it to the airport.

"So this is my home," I say.

"It's beautiful," says Mia as she looks around.

I have a big green front yard and my gardener is here trimming bushes.

We get out and I grab out suitcases. Mia is rolling hers up the drive way as we approach the gardener.

"Hello Mary," I say to the elderly lady.

When I first met her I didn't want her to work because she was too old. She is 70, past the retirement age. But she said she wanted to stay active so I hired her and she loves gardening.

"Hello Melo," she says waving.

"This is my girlfriend Mia," I say.

"Hello dear. I'm his gardener. I would shake you hand but I'm holding trimmers dear," she says.

"It's okay. Nice meeting you," says Mia.

"Mary you can leave after you finish that bush," I say.

"It's only 11 am. I will leave at three," she says.

"Okay Mrs. Mary, you can set your own time," I say holding my hands up.

"Thank you," she says smiling.

"Okay let me open this door," I say.

When that is done I open the door and check out my house. The cleaners did a good job. This place is spotless.

"Your house is so clean," says Melo.

"Thanks," I say as the smell of pinesol fills our noses.

"Okay so where will I be staying," says Mia.

"With me," I say smiling.

"Melo I can't," she says.

"My house my rules. And my rule will be that Mia has to sleep in my bed with me," I say smirking.

"I can't with you," she says shaking her head.

"Come on let's put these up," I say smiling.

We reach my room and her jaw drops.

"Your room is the size of our apartment," she says.

"I mean my house is pretty big," I say.


We sit in my kitchen eating cookies that Mia just baked.

"Melo I have a question," says Mia.

"Go on ahead ask me anything," I say. Wait I regret saying that. What if she asks me about my ex.

"Why do you live in this big house by yourself," she says.

"Well when I first got drafted I lived in an apartment. But I was tired of all the noise that my neighbors made. The people next door were in a rock group.The lady on the other side of me played YouTube videos on her tv way too loud.And the people above me did  dance classes in their apartment so I heard people moving all the time," I say.

"Why didn't you complain to the office people," she says.

"I did but they didn't listen. I tried to bribe them to get me into a different apartment," I say.

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