Chapter 4

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AJ pov.

It's been one week since I fought with Lonzo and I haven't seen him come into the bakery at all. Just Melo and Gelo come now.

I was serious on not seeing him. Why did I have to like a player.

"Hey y'all wanna come to Lonzo's apartment tonight and hang out," says Melo as he and Gelo are taste testing our new cupcakes.

"Sure what time," says Mia.

"Seven," says Gelo.

"I'm good," I say.

"AJ please come. Lonzo won't even be there. He is going out with Kyle tonight," says Melo.

"Okay as long as he isn't there," I say.

"Explain to us why you hate our brother," says Gelo.

"We didn't click. He's different and I'm different," I say.

"I don't think that's the reason but I'm gonna let it slide," says Melo.

"So how are the cupcakes," says Karen.

"It's good. I love them," says Gelo.

"That's good. Glad you liked this one. I'm going to get the carrot cake cupcakes," she says as she grabs their plates. She bends down and kisses Gelo on the cheek and leaves.

"Lil bro got a girlfriend," says Melo.

"No she says she kisses all of her guy friends cheeks," he says.

"You got friend zoned," says Melo.

"No she says she wants to take it slow with me," he says.

"Mia aren't we taking things slow too," says Melo looking at her. She blushes and nods.

"Looks like y'all are coupled up," I say getting up and walking out the room.

Lozno pov.

I sit in subway with Kyle at lunch time.

"Bro you alright," says Kyle.

"Yeah I'm fine," I say.

"You have been out of it this whole week. Does it have to do with AJ," he says.

"Don't speak her name around me," I say eating my sub.

"So it is her. What is your problem with her," he says.

"She doesn't like me. I don't like her," I say.

"That's why you've been avoiding the bakery," says Kyle.

"Oh look you caught on," I say.

Even though she doesn't like me, I still like her. I just have to pretend around everyone. I'm not a player eitherl.

I want to ge to know her so bad. I don't know very much. Gelo gave me her instagram and I almost passed out form her photos. She looks so good in her photos. Her face is so smooth and she doesn't need makeup and don't get me started on her body.

"Lonzo why do you not like her? I thought you were crushing on her last week," Kyle says.

"We had a fight so I'm just gonna stay away from her. She's annoying too," I say.

"No she isn't," says Kyle.

"Well I think she is. Plus she ain't cute," I say.

"Yo Lonzo you must be blind if you can't see that homegirl is cute. Bro she's thicc," says Kyle.

"And? She needs to drop some pounds," I say. That hurt to say that. I think she's beautiful just the way she is. She doesn't need to change for nobody.  I think she is perfect in my eyes. But I have to play this off.

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