Chapter 32

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Epilogue- One month later

This book is #905 in romance! Thank y'all for reading!

It's August and we all are so excited to announce our second location for our bakery.

Today is the grand opening and the boys came to support us.

"Okay can I get your attention," says Mia as she stands on a chair.

"You got my attention all the time baby," says Melo winking st her.

"Melo stop embarrassing me," she says blushing. "Anyways, thank you for coming to the Bakery. I love the design and it's amazing. We got this place in shape in 2 weeks. J can't believe it. Thank you God and to everyone who supports our business. Your money and contributions helped us get this place," she says.

"And to add on to what Mia said, we are happy for this location. The workers here are glad to serve you. But if you feel like it, come back to the original bakery," I say.

"Now everyone get a cup and let's toast to this new bakery," yells Karen as cheers erupt.

We all cheers and we drink our sparkling lemonade.

"I have one more thing to add," says Lonzo.

"What is it," I say and he bends down on one knee. Cheers erupt but clam down.

"AJ you're my honey bun, sweetie pie, lil one, my baby. You are my everything. I am not a lovely dovey person but you made me into a cuddling monster," he says laughing. "But I just wanted to let you know that I love you. After all we have been through I realised that you are the one for me. I love you and I cherish you. You are the wife for me. Will you marry me," he says looking into my eyes.

"Yes Zo," I say leaning down and kissing him.

He stands up while we are still kissing.

"Get a room," yells Melo and we break apart.

"Melo be quiet," chuckles Zo.

This has been a crazy year. Who would've thought that I met the love of my life and I'm getting married!

As I look around I feel happiness. All the bad people are gone and my life is at peace now.

My mom comes up to me and hugs me.

"I'm so happy for you," she says.

"Thanks mom," I say.

Everyone congratulates us and finally we sit down and enjoy some sweets.

Melo and Mia are having their wedding next month. They wanted a simple wedding so it didn't take long to plan. Mine is going to be so extra lol.

Gelo and Karen are planning theirs. They are gonna do it in Miami and we all are going to the club after the wedding.

Trey got arrested but got bailed out. The team he was on kicked him off hut because he is such a good player, another team picked him up.

King and Tyrone are still in jail. Trey didn't pay their bail or anybody. But let's just say when they get out they aren't allowed to be near us ever again.

Nobody can find Isabella, she fled. They found her on a surveillance camera at a CVS in the mountain areas of California. But she changed up her looks. She bought hair dye, and colored contacts.

They tried to get her licence plate number but it was covered with snow.

But they believe she fled the state and maybe the country by now.

So we don't have to worry about her.

Our life is normal and I cant wait to enjoy our lives.

"Aww AJ look at Jordon talking to one of the employees," says Zo.

"Oh that's Macy," I say looking at them.

"He's just a talking up," says Zo laughing.

"I think she likes him. Look at her blushing," I say.

"You were like that when you met me. You stared at my eyes a lot," he says.

"Yeah I called you nice eyes before I knew your name," I say.

"You have liked me from the moment you met me haven't you," says Zo smirking.

"Yes but you probably have too," I say.

"Yeah I dressed so nicely at summer games to impress you," he says.

"Wait I was the girl you liked," I say.

"Yeah of course," he says.

"We went through all that drama. K though you were playing me," I say.

"I would never do a girl like that. I liked you from the start," he says.

"Well I feel bad," I say.

"Don't, I should have approached you better," says Zo.

"Anyways that's in the past let's look toward the future," I say grabbing hid hands.

"You're right Mrs. Ball," he says smiling at me. We kiss and I look back to Jordon and Macy who is red.

"Aww look at them. He's giving her his number. Looks like they found their bakery love," I say.

"We found ours too," says Zo.

"We did but I hope their relationship doesn't start off as rocky as ours did," I say.

"It won't. They will be fine. We will be fine. Now let's get some more cookies," he says pulling me up.

I can't wait to see what life has in store for us. With Zo, my friends and family, nothing can stop me or us. Nothing.

Thank y'all for reading this book.

Thank y'all for every read, vote and comment. This is the first book that I have written that people actually commented. It was nice to see that.

Thank you to Dezicrzy21 for commenting Trey knows King. My book was gonna end in a different way but then I got an idea based off of this comment. When I saw that comment it sparked a whole lot within me. This comment influenced the latter part of the book and thank you for this. The book was gonna end at Summer League.

Also I'm doing one shots so comment if you have a idea for one but it can't be dirty.

I have started to write a couple and the first one will come out with this chapter.

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