Chapter 3

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AJ pov.

The game is going well and Lonzo is sitting there watching the game. Why is he so fine?

Too bad he doesn't like me. Everytime I find myself crushing on some guy, he has somebody he likes or he is married.

It's half time now and the players walk into the area where we have cookies.

"Okay so everyone from both teams get a cookie. When the game is over, the winning team gets the remainders," says the NBA president.

"Thanks for making he cookies," says one of the rookies.

"Your welcome," I say.

"Yes these ladies are amazing at baking. I've had a cookie. They are delicious," says the president.

"Thank you," says Mia.

The guys comes and grab a cookie then head to their designated locker room.

"Girls here is your check," says the president pulling out an envelope.

"Oh no you didn't have to," says Mia.

"Thank you," says Karen as she gets the check from him.

He walks away and we both turn to Mia.

"What," she says.

"We are taking and cashing the check," says Karen.

"But I thought we were doing this from the kindness of our hearts," says Mia.

"Yeah but we getting paid so accept the check and let's cash this," says Karen.

"Fine," says Mia.

We three put a sheet over our cookies and we make our way to the arena and find our seats. We are walking when I bump into someone.

"Hey," I say as I look up at the person.

"Sorry AJ," says Lonzo.

"Oh Lonzo it's okay," I say as I walk by him and follow Mia.


I notice I have a perfect view of the courtside people. I see Lonzo with his brothers and Kyle. All of them look so good.

Lonzo grabs his drink and looks up. He stares directly at me while he drinks it. I turn my head and quickly look away.

"Oh AJ he's finally starting at you," says Karen.

"How do you know," I say.

"You have been staring at the guy for the whole third quarter," says Karen.

"It's been that long. He must think I'm a creep," I say.

"No I don't think so cuz he's still staring right Mia? Oh no you're too busy staring at LaMelo," she says.

"No I'm not and yes Lozno is still staring at you," says Mia blushing.

"Can't we all admit we have a crush on these brothers," says Karen.

"I'll admit it," says Mia blushing.

"No I won't because I don't like him," I say crossing my arms.

"Stop lying," says Mia.

"And he might like you too. Look at you go AJ two guys like you," says Karen.

"Who Trey? He doesn't like me. I defiantly don't like him," I say.

"We know you don't like him. You have Lonzo," says Mia.

"And Trey has a huge crush on you. Ever since he saw you that day at UCLA, he hasn't left you alone," says Karen. Trey is my best guy friend who plays in the NFL.

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