Chapter 22

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After we finish skydiving I drop Mia off at her apartment and I go to the jewelry place.

I walking and Jared is laughing at some video on his phone.

"Hey Jared," I say as I approach him. He jumps a little and looks up.

"Oh hello LaMelo you scared me," he says locking his phone.

"So you did the stuff with the ring," I say.

"Yes let me go and get it," he says walking into a back room.

He comes back out with a blue velvet box and opens it for me.

"This looks amazing Jared. You're a good man. I trust your work," I say.

"Thank you. Now how will you be paying for the ring," he says smiling.

"You always wanting that money," I say.

"I need the dough baby," he says.

"But card tho. I would do cash but I'm not carrying that much cash on me. I know you like cash Jared," I say.

"You know I do but I guess since you're LaMelo Ball I'll take card. But next time I better see Ben Franklin's," he says.

"Sure," I say chuckling as I swipe my card.

"You didn't even look at the price," says Jared.

"I don't care what the price is. This is for Mia. Price doesn't matter to me when it comes to her," I say.

He prints my receipt out and hands me the ring in a nice bag.

"Take a photo for the gram," he says coming around to me.

"You always want a photo," I say.

"Yes so more people will come here. How else is a 54 year old man like me gonna get good advertisement online," he says.

"Fine," I say.

"Good. Adam," he yells as his son comes from the back.

"Dad and LaMelo," he says as he daps me up.

"Take a photo," he says shoving his phone in Adam's hands.

"Okay these photos are always so funny because of your height dad," says Adam. He is the complete opposite of his dad. His dad is short and chubby while he is tall and lean.

I literally tower over his dad while Adam is like an inch or two shorter than me.

"Shut up Adam and take the picture," says Jared as he wraps his arm around my waist.

"Okay one two three," says Adam snapping a couple photos.

"Thanks for stopping by today. Appreciate it LaMelo. Come back soon with cash. Shea says hello too," says Jared.

"You know I'll be back. But tell Shea hello And how is she," I say. Shea is his wife. Adam got his tallness from her. She's like Karen's height or maybe a hit taller.

"She's good. Gotta take her shopping later. She saw a sale so she was like we're going," says Jared.

"Well that's good. Thanks for the ring again and I'll send y'all an invitation to the wedding.

"Wedding," says Adam.

"Can you hear Adam? I told you this yesterday. He's going to propose to his girl. You my son but sometimes you stupid af," says Jared.

"I'm telling mom you called me stupid," says Adam laughing.

"Snitch," says Jared.

"Well I'm going to go," I say laughing at the situation.

"Okay LaMelo see you soon," says Jared and Adam at the same time as I open the door and leave.

AJ pov. Later this evening.

I walk into Lonzo's apartment and see LaMelo sleeping on the couch and LiAngelo sleeping too.

"Zo," I say calling for him but not trying to wake these two up.

"I'm here," he says from his bedroom.

I open the door and close it.

"Hey babe," he says as I sit next to him on his bed. Currently he is watching some baseball on his tv.

I scoot closer to him as our arms touch.

"So I got something to show you," he says.

"Okay," I say.

"So I was scrolling through instagram and I saw LaMelo at the Jewelry store we all go to. And he had a small bag in his hand. Jared has different bags for different things. The bag LaMelo was holding was a ring bag," says Zo.

"What type of ring was he buying her? Oh wait! He's gonna propose," I say.

"Yeah that's what I though because Melo takes Mia with him if he's buying her a ring. This had to be a wedding ring," says Zo.

"Woah he's taking a big step," I say.

"Well Melo has been ready for marriage for a while now he just didn't have a good girlfriend. His past ones wanted him for fame," says Zo.

"Wow 23 and getting married. Good for them. Mia is the perfect person for him. Does anyone else know this," I say.

"Gelo knows and Karen does too. But Melo doesn't know that we know this," says Zo.

"I'm waking Melo up and asking him about this. Is Mia here," I say.

"No he took her home after they went skydiving," says Zo.

"Okay I needed to know this just in case she was here and overheard this," I say.

"Yeah good looking out," says Zo as I stand up with Zo doing the same.

I open the door and he follows behind me.

I grab a pillow form his couch and hit Melo with it.

"Man wtf," he groans as he opens his eyes.

"Hey Melo just need to ask you something," I say smiling.

"Why did you wake me up," he says yawning.

"To ask you something," I say.

"What is it," he says sitting up.

"You're proposing to Mia," I say and he is awake now.

"How do you know," he says looking at me with wide eyes.

"Zo saw you with Jared on instragm and noticed the ring bag. And you take Mia with you whenever you buy her a ring," I say.

"Come on I was trying to keep this a secret," says Melo as he flops back down on the couch.

"Well it's on Instagram so I suggest not taking a photo this time with Jared," I say.

"Who all knows," says Melo.

"Gelo, Karen, Zo and I," I say.

"So Mia is the only one who doesn't know and it needs to stay that way. If Mia finds out I'm gonna be angry. Let me wake Gelo up and tell him this," he says.

"I'm up fam. I heard the whole convo," says Gelo.

"Good. Tell Karen to keep this a secret. We are the only 5 who know. If any outsiders find out then one of y'all told," saya Melo.

"What about Jared? He could say something," says Gelo.

"You're right and Adam and Shea know too," says Melo.

"Okay we need to get that photo down before people notice," says Gelo.

"Right. When social media finds out then Mia will know," says Zo.

"Right. I need to cal Jared and tell him to take the photo down," says Melo.

"I'm calling him now," says Gelo and he puts the phone on speaker.

His voicemail comes on.

I know this doesn't end on a good note but I'll still post this. I might post the next two chapters too.

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