Chapter 30

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Zo pov.

As we drive to the gym my brothers and I are shedding tears so much. I can barley see due to tears.

"They are gonna snap us in half," says Melo.

"Probably," says Gelo sniffling.

"I love y'all," I say.

"We love you too Zo," says Melo.

We arrive and I leave my keys in my car and I don't even bother to lock it.

King and Tyrone are there and some lady with dark hair on a machine in the back.

"You guys made it," says King.

"We did," says Melo.

"Let's start this workout," says King.

We do the workout and we are exhausted. But the workout wasn't that bad tho. Why am I so tired then.

We all sit on the floor. My limbs are so sore I can barley move.

"So we wire tapped AJ's phone this morning and we hear her snitch to y'all about us," says Tyrone.

"We know who y'all really are! You aren't getting our girls," says Gelo breathing hard. I feel like I'm gonna pass out.

"Yeah we will. And Gelo a certain somebody will get you too. So at least you will still be here," says King.

"Who," says Gelo.

The dark haired lady approached us. Isabella?!

"Wassup Gelo. I never lost feelings for you," she says touching his cheek.

"Isabella why," says Gelo getting tired.

In the corner of mt eye I see Melo dialing the girls and slipping his phone into his pocket. He looks like he's about to pass out too.

"You were mine and you're always mine. I love you Gelo. Karen doesn't deserve you. That's why I partnered up with these guys. I found out about Trey by doing my research. He is my ticket to get to you," she says.

"But I don't want you," says Gelo.

"Oh I know. I saw when your proposed to her," she says.

"Then why do you want me to be with you," says Gelo.

"I don't care if you want me or not. I want you and that's all that matters," she says smiling.

"You're sick," says Gelo.

"You're funny Gelo," she says.

"What about Jordon," says Melo weakly. I think they put something in the water bottles they gave us to make us feel like this.

"Oh him? He knows nothing. He thinks I'm on a morning jog. Poor guy thought I loved him," she says.

"You played him," says Gelo.

"Yes I did Gelo. Now I get to go from one rich guy to the next. We are going to be goals Gelo. Imagine us married with kids," she says.

"That's a nightmare," spits Gelo.

"Well you're nightmare is about to become a reality. Say night night Gelo," says Isabella as Gelo passes out.

"No," I say weakly.

She drags him out the room and I try to get up to follow her but I drop back down unto the floor.

"Aww is little Lonzo weak," says King.

"You put something in the water," I say as Melo passes out.

"Yes I did. Goodnight Lonzo Ball," says King as I pass out. I hope the girls heard everything.

AJ pov

Mia and I stand there shocked.

Isabella was B on the phone that day. No wonder they didn't tell us who wanted Gelo. It would have been too obvious. We would have guessed Isabella from the jump.

Mia calls the police as we hear Tyrone discuss their location of where they are taking them.

They are taking them to some cabin in the woods.

"Mia we need to get there quick. Our cars at Lonzo's house. We need to get there quick," I say.

We grab our purses and run as fast as we can to find an uber driver. Once we do we tell him to floor it.


We jump out and see Trey standing by my car in the driveway.

How does he know where the house is?!!

"AJ you don't have to keep hiding. The guys took away your boyfriends. AJ you're mine now. Now get in that house and don't come out until I get back. It's my house now. Mia you do the same thing because you'll be living here too. Zo sure has some nice things. NBA pays him well," he says.

"You can't boss me around," I say.

"You're right but I can make sure that your boyfriends have some bruises though," he says.

"No Trey don't do it. We'll listen," I say as I walk towards the house. Mia looks at me like I'm crazy but gets the hint to play along.

"Now when you get inside the door will lock and my friends will surround the house," he says getting in a fancy sports car and driving off after he sees we are in the house.

We enter and the door locks.

"Mia get the frying pan," I say as we find the box. We grab 4 and then I grab a hammer.

"Take out the guys on this side and I'll do the ones on the other," she says.

I take the hammer and break a window. The guys come running towards us as we jump out.

We swing and hit them with our frying pans. Should have had a hot pot of grits too.

Once they are all knocked out cold we get into my car and pull off.

We catch up to Trey and follow behind him far away so he can't see us in his mirrors.

We soon get towards the national park that is an hour away. He turns in and soon we do too.

Mia and I follow him to a cabin area. There is only two on this long road.

I see some of Trey's cars at the second one. Was he staying here. How long as he been in CA?

He parks his car at the other cabin and walks in. I think this is where the boys are.

We park and I try to turn in slowly. We open the door and slowly get out.

Then I fell someone grab Mia and I. I turn to see Trey?

"I thought you went inside," I yell.

"I did but I saw you and I came out the back door and wrapped around," he says.

"Take us to our men," I say.

"Gladly," he smirks.

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