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Hello everyone,

I've you've been following the news here in the US, you've seen about the murder of George Floyd and protests that have followed.

And if you've been follwing you have also seen the murderd of Breonna Taylor and Ahmaud Arbery who were both gunned down.

As an African American female in this country, seeing this is heartbreaking.

We saw George Floyd take his last breath on video. LET THAT SINK IN.

He has family including a 6 year old daughter left behind.

I pray for Justice for all the families.

To everyone reading this, I encourage you to post to your social medias (ex. Twitter, snap, Instagram, even here) and bring awarness to police brutality and injustices in America. 

Some people aren't speaking out becuase of "politcal reasons" but you can't post one thing? How hard is it to post something?

Nobody is asking for you to post a bunch but one post can educate someone who follows you who may not be aware or ignorant to what's going on.

I saw this on Snapchat yesterday from Jayson Tatum's story that talks about love black people like you love black culture.

If you are white and like black culture, you need to speak out. If you can post to your Instagram or snap with black rappers music in the background you can post something about what's happened the past month.

I know I can't tell you what to post on your social media but I just wanted to tell Y'all this.

I love you all, stay safe if you're protesting!

It's so messed up to seeing people get hit with tear gas and injured with rubber bullets who are peacefully protesting. Let people protest! It's their right!

Black Lives Matter!
Justice for George Floyd!
Justice for Ahmaud Arbery!
Justice for Breonna Taylor!

Also I encourage you to watch Terrence Floyd's speech (brother of George Floyd) from today. One quote that stuck with me is

"Peace on the left, justice on the right"

Also don't forget to sign petitions!

George Flyod:
1) https://www.justiceforbigfloyd.com

Breonna Taylor:

Ahmaud Arbery:

Love you all and stay safe. And educate yourselves! And go and vote in November!


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