Chapter 16

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Zo pov.

So today we are all travelling to Chino Hills to the Baller Estate.

My pops is cooking up some bbq and it's gonna be lit.

Currently AJ and I are riding in my car. Gelo, Melo, Mia and Karen decided to ride together and didn't tell us.

I suggested we should rent a van but nobody wanted to listen to me.

"If Melo sends me one more snapchat showing how lit their car ride is," says AJ as she throws her phone in here bag.

We are driving on the interstate when Gelo passes us by in Karen's car. Melo waves and AJ rolls her eyes.

Soon we approach our exit and have to wait to a light. We stop and Melo rolls down the passenger window.

"How was your ride loser," says Melo.

"Good," I say.

"You didn't open my last video AJ," says Melo.

"Because you are being stupid," says AJ.

The light changes and we make out way to the baller estate.

We pull up into our crescent shaped driveway and park. We all get out of our respective cars and stretch.

"My leg hurts," I whine. After Gelo dunked on me the second time, I fell to the ground and landed on my leg. It didn't start hurting until this morning.

"Okay rest when you get inside," says AJ.

"Big Baller Brand baby," we hear our dad yell as he answers the door.

"Man why he yelling," says Melo.

"My boys," he says as we approach him.

"Dad meet our girlfriends," says Gelo.

"Hello I'm Gelo's girlfriend Karen," she says.

"Hello I'm Zo's girlfriend AJ," says AJ and I smile.

"And I'm Melo's girlfriend Mia," Mia says shyly.

"Hello girls nice to meet y'all," says my dad as he brings them in a group hug.

"Let them go Lavar," says my mom as she comes to the door. The three of us go to our mom and greet her.

"Hello Karen and Mia," says my mom.

"Hey Mrs. Tina," says Karen as she gives her a hug.

"Hello Mrs. Ball," says Mia as she does the same.

"And who is this,"  says my mom looking at AJ with a smile.

"Mom this is my girlfriend AJ," I say proudly

"Well hello AJ. I'm Mrs. Ball but you can call me Mrs. Tina," she says.

"Hello," says AJ nervously.

"Come here for a hug girl. You are my daughter now," she says laughing as AJ hugs her.

"All three of y'all are my daughters now. I can now know what it feels like to have girls," says my mom.

"Let's go inside it's hot. Who wants cookies and milk," says dad. There he goes with cookies.

"Me," says Gelo as he links arms with mom.

We all walk in and sit in the living room. A tray of cookies and glasses of milk are set up.

"So girls let me tell y'all about the family brand," says dad.

"Dad no why. Can you tell them later? They don't need to get caught up in the family business now," says Melo.

"I'm telling them now. They need to be wearing our merchandise. In which ladies we have shirts for y'all," says my dad.

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