💜 Truth 💜

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Jungri angst

The short haired girl groaned as her phone rang for a million times.

"Yerim, just turn your phone off if you don't want to answer it. The others are sleeping." Seungwan suggested.

The younger looked around the van, looking at her members who are in their deep slumber.

Yerim immediately took her phone, before putting it in silent mode. She slid the phone into her pocket, not even bother to check the dialer.

She leaned against the seat, sighing as she watched the view outside.

"Yerim," Jungkook who is laying on her lap called, making her looked down at him.

"IU sunbaenim is coming to Melon Music Award." He informed.

"Really? I can't wait to see her." Yerim replied.

"Right? Me too. How I wish I have courage to talk with her instead of fanboying her from behind." He said, scrolling into his tweeter.

Yerim just smiled, continuing to watch the movie. But her attention slowly washed away, as she looked at Jungkook who is still grinning at the thought of IU.

It is a lie if she say that she is not jealous. Jungkook is well known as IU's fanboy after all. She knows that she is now his girlfriend, but somehow, she felt like he cares of the older more than her.

Yerim sighed, trying to throw the negative thought away, but again, it comes.

She remembers how disappointed she felt a while ago after knowing that he didn't watch almost half of Red Velvet's stage.

Yes, she knew that he is busy even backstage. She tried to understand, but not until he yelled at her for distracting him who was watching IU's old performance in his phone.

She called him first, to ask him about the performance. But yeah, he turned her down just like that.

"Come on Yerim. Be matured." She whispered to herself.


Yerim blinked her eyes twice, trying to rid away the tears that are forming in her eyes.

Knowing that it is unusable, she quickly wiped it slightly, before acting like nothing happened.

Where did IU sunbaenim got that sweet voice of hers?

She caught up in tears with IU's dear name performance. She is a kind of person who gets emotional fast, that's why she adores a singer like IU and Taeyeon.

The thought of IU made her mind flew to Jungkook.

She suddenly wonders if he really loves her, or he just sees her as a replacement of IU.

Her thought washed away when a VCR played on the screen.

Realizing who it was, she immediately controlled her expression. She doesn't want to cause any trouble by reacting on BTS's performance, especially after knowing how the netizens' react for their ships thingy.

She keeps on staring at him, doesn't waste any second. "He must be happy." She said to herself.


"Thank you sunbaenim." Yerim said, bowing respectfully to the older.

Guess what, she is talking to IU right in the moment.

"Let's meet again after this. I would love to be your friend." Jieun said, smiling warmly.

"I'll make sure to call you. Thank you once again." Yerim said.

The older bid a goodbye, before going into her van.

Yerim checked on the picture that she just took with the help from IU's manager, smiling excitedly before making her way to the van.


Yerim rolled on her bed, before taking her phone that is on the nightstand.

Opening the instagram app, she immediately posted the picture of her and IU in her story, before once again formed a smile.

She is glad that she is a social butterfly who has no problem to get along with others. She doesn't know that greeting her as a sign of respect could bring them to be a friend.

She smiled proudly, looking at the picture.

Her happiness didn't last long when the doorbell rang. She immediately groaned, since she knows that she is the one who needs to get the door. Her members definitely not going to leave their beds.

She walked lazily to the door, before opening it. After seeing who it was, she quickly dashed to close the door, but not until Jungkook slipped his foot between the door.

"Yerim, please, talk to me." He begged, holding the pain at his foot.

Her heart softened, as she slowly let go of the doorknob.

There is no way she gonna let him in pain just because of her stubborn self.

Jungkook let out a relief sigh, before opening the door. He held her hand gently, before bringing her outside.

"Come on, tell me." He started, staring down at her.

"Tell you what?" She asked, not looking at him.

"Don't act such a fool. You've been ignoring me for these two days." He said in frustration.

"Now I'm the fool one?" She scoffed, looking at him in disbelief.

"If this is about the call, I'm sorry. I just too immersed by IU's sunbae—"

"Enough with her, Jungkook." She said, stopping him.

This is not the first time. Everytime there is IU, he will completely forget about her. He will pick IU first before Yerim, no matter in what situation.

He cares about her more than Yerim.

"Are you blocking me from become a fan of hers now?" He asked, his eyebrows hitched.

"You know what, it is always her. You always put her in front of me. Everytime I smile, you said that I look like her. Everytime I laugh, you said I sound like her. And even when I cry, you said that you see her in me. Do you even realize that?" She blurted out, eyes blurred in tears.

He seemed speechless, as his lips parted, but nothing come out.

"I know that I'm being childish. But do you really love me? You make me feel like I'm just a resemblance of her, and since you can never get her into you, you take me instead? I don't think you even know your feeling. Is that feeling for IU sunbaenim really just an idol for you, or more than that?" She continued.

"I'm also her fan. I understand you. But I don't think your feeling is clear somehow. It is distracting me, and I don't want our relationship to continue like this. Please, stay away from me until you finally clear up your mind." She said.

Glancing at him once again, she immediately went inside her dorm before he could stop her again.

Jungkook was left dumbfounded. He was so damn worried for her after reading the article about her caught up in tears with IU's performance.

But instead of asking about that, he ended up calling her fool, and release his frustration at her.

You screwed up, Jeon Jungkook.


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