❤️ Reality ❤️

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Vrene fluff

The brown haired male twitched in his sleep, before his eyes opened slowly. It takes him a few seconds to get used to the bright light from the window.

That's when he could feel the different warmth yet still comforting against his bare body. He landed his gaze on the figure, before finally processing the reality.

His heart start beating uncontrollably and it sends the giddy feeling to his stomach, but the familiar feeling is just too wonderful for him to stop it.

He can never stop it anyway, so why bother?

His eyes studied the flawless face right in front of him. His breath stopped for a second, only to believe that this is really not a dream.

He just can't believe that this precious girl is right in his arms right now.

He remembers the struggle that he had been through to convince her about his real feeling. He remembers how his heart shattered into several pieces when she rejected him, and asked him to never meet her again. He remembers how hard it was to see her personally in their tight schedule. He remembers how his heart clenched when there were some stupid rumors of her dating.

Still, loving her is the best choice he ever made in his life, so he had never regret going through all of that just to get her in his arms like this.

Last night was something magical that he never imagined to happen.

It happened, he thought, a smile made its way to his lips as he planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

As he backed away a little from her face, she slowly moved, before opening her eyes.

Afraid if she might freak out, he quickly wrapped his arms around her tiny waist, in the softest way.

She blinked her eyes a few times, before cracking into a angelic smile, which makes his heart fluttering yet again.

It takes a moment until her face reddened. She quickly leans forward, burying her face into the crook of his neck.

He chuckled, giving a peck on the top of her head. "Why are you being so shy?"

His voice is deep and husky, and it sends tingle to her spine. She breathed deeply, trying to stop her own wild heartbeat.

"I can't believe it, we are now together, Taehyung." She muttered, whispering at his name as she felt his lips landed on her shoulder.

"But it is really happening, Joohyun. Thank you for giving me a chance— I mean, us. Thank you for giving yourself a chance too." He said.

"This will not happen if you stop chasing me. I'm glad you were willing to convince me that much." She said, leaning away, finally showing her face.

It took him a few seconds to realize the tears that are gathering in her eyes. He cupped her face so that she will not avoid his gaze. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"I—just overwhelmed. I tried so hard to avoid you, ignore you before but then, I still keep attaching to you. I—I hope we will be like this, forever." She stuttered, her hand grabs a fistful of the comforter.

He smiled warmly, taking her shaking hand before intertwining their fingers together. "Let the destiny decide it for us, we just need to work hard for this relationship. I believe we meant for each other."

"Stop crying, um?" He rubbed her cheeks with his thumbs. They stared at each other, admiring their profiles for a while.

"How about our members? I can't imagine how their reaction would be." She said, chuckling.

She suddenly remembers the four insane kids that always trying to pull her with them everytime they hangout with his group. She also remembers when they purposely walked pass the boys on the stage and made sure to have her by their side.

"They will be much happier than us, I think." He joked. They chuckled together, and stopped at the same time.

His eyes landed on her lips, and she once again melted under his warm gaze. She closed her eyes as he starts leaning closer, before claiming her lips with his.

Their lips molded together, not surprisingly in sync, though. He is keeping her close, as if she is so fragile, while she is enjoying his company.

They stopped and panted, making eyes contact once again. She raised her hand to his brown locks, only to move some of the strands that are covering his forehead, while he keeps on staring at her.

"Thank you for not giving up on me." She said, giving him the look that enough to make him go insane.

He gave a peck on her nose. "How can I give up on you when it was obvious that you are hurting yourself everytime you avoided me? I can't stand seeing you hurt in that way." He muttered softly.

"Bae Joohyun, I love you." He confessed, even though he has been repeating the words so many times last night.

The corner of her lips curved up, hearing the warm words. "I love you too Kim Taehyung."

And with that, their lips connected once again, along with their hearts that have been attached for a long time.

I'm back, I'm back and I'm back!

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