❤ Newly married couple ❤

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Vrene fluff

Taehyung's eyes flatter opened, and he blinked as his memories from yesterday flooded up.

He is married.

The fact itself makes him shivered, before he realized the empty spot beside him on the bed. He sat up, looking around to search for any glimpse of his wife.

Wife. A woman who become his partner in this arranged marriage.

He stands up, before walking straight to the bathroom. After having a nice shower for a few minutes, he goes out, only to meet with a sight of his ready-to-wear shirt.

"When did she even iron this?" He mumbled as he observed the shirt.

For some reason, his lips curved up, loving the warmth feeling when someone taking care of him.

Wearing the clothes, he quickly made his way out. The delicious smell immediately hit his nose, before he makes his way to the kitchen.

The female seems oblivious with his presence as she prepares the food in the turperware.

"Good morning," He greeted. "Joohyun."

She flinched slightly as she looked at him, cheeks immediately blooming with pink. "Oh, good morning."

"I know that you're not a breakfast person, so I cook this for your lunch at work later." She explained when she saw that he seemed hesitated looking at the food.

"Oh, right." He responded. "Thank you."

Joohyun put the last piece of kimbap in the turperware, before closing it. She put it in a paper bag, before walking to him. "Here."

He accepted it, heart thumping when his fingers brushed with hers.

"Um," Her eyes landed on his tie, before she looked up. "Will you mind if I change your tie? The colour is not that fit with your shirt."

"Sure." He replied, taking off his tie before giving it to her. He watches as she gets into their room to get another tie.

Joohyun came out a few seconds later with a blue black tie in her hand. She stopped in front of him and handed him the tie.

Instead of taking it, he raised his eyebrow as he glanced at the tie. Her face seems clueless, but she manages to catch what he meant after a moment.

"Oh," She blinked her eyes a few times, trying to act casually. Stepping closer to him, she reaches for his collar before working on the tie.

She does not know if it is just her imagination, but she could feel the butterflies when he steps even closer to her. His warmth is securing her, and her heart skips a beat when his lips brushes against her forehead.

Did he done it purposely?

She glanced up, only to move her eyes when she realized that he is staring down at her intensely.

"Done." Joohyun backed away, face flushed with red. "Take care while working." She bow awkwardly before walking as fast as she could to their shared bedroom.

As she shut the door, she quickly leans on it, before breathing deeply while placing her palm on her chest. "I must have been crazy."

On the other hand, Taehyung's lips curved up once the door closed, as he mumbled, "Maybe it is too soon to have a morning kiss properly."


Taehyung locked his car before walking to the door. He frowned when he saw the living room's lamp is still opened and there is still a sound from the television despite his late come back.

Opening the door, he stepped inside with confusion. As he reached further, he could see a tiny body of her sleeping so peacefully on the couch.

Taehyung stepped closer, before kneeling down beside the couch. He took the remote and turned off the television.

His eyes moved to her flawless face. Her face is not showing any sign of discomfort, and her chest goes up and down as she breathes steadily.

"Why didn't she get into the room if she wants to sleep?" He shakes his head slowly while chuckling softly.

His eyes landed on the phone that she grip so tightly. Taking it, his instinct is telling him to open it, and he does so only to meet her empty chatroom with his.

His lips parted, as he once again let out a chuckle. "Looks like she is too shy to even send me a message. Joohyun, you don't have to wait for me if you're too sleepy." He whispered.

Taehyung then positioned his arms around her figure, before carrying her gently to their bedroom.

Placing her on the soft mattress, he tucks her under the blanket carefully, not wanting to wake her up. He managed to press his lips on her forehead briefly before standing up straight.

"Goodnight and sleep tight, my wife."

Miss me or not?

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