❤️ Mistake Part III ❤️

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"Oof," Joohyun landed herself on the floor with a loud thump. "Ew, so sticky." She mumbled, wiping her sweat with the shirt's sleeve.

Sooyoung rolled her eyes, faking the annoyance at the older who can't get used to her own sweat even after so many dance practices they had.

"I'm going to the vending machine, gotta have some light snacks." Yerim announced.

"I want to follow!" Seulgi said, standing up in process.

"Don't buy coffee, girls. Caffeines are not good for diets!" Joohyun reminded, making both of them groaned in frustration.

"Yeah, yea whatever." The three left could hear Yerim's mumble from outside, making them shook their head while chuckling.

"I'm going to the toilet." Seungwan said."

"Let me follow you unnie. I want to take some air." Sooyoung said, bringing her water along with her before following Seungwan.

Joohyun looked around before realizing that she is alone. She shut her eyes, breathing deeply.

Her ears greet a notification sound from Seulgi's phone— at least she knows that Seulgi has the rarest ringtone ever.

She decided to ignore it at first, but the person is definitely bombarding the phone with so many messages that she stopped counting until the 7th.

Sighing, Joohyun sat up before crawling to the couch where Seulgi left her phone. She is cursing silently, annoyed much with who she assumed is Jimin, because Seulgi usually muted all the notification when they're practising, except for her boyfriend.

As soon as she opened Seulgi's phone, the muscle on her face immediately relaxed, as her body tensed up.

Seulgi noona, how is Joohyun today?

I'm sorry that I'm late, I've been busy preparing for the concert in the morning.

Please answer, I'm worried.

Are you busy?


God, if only I can message her personally.

Noona, please respond once you read this, I'll be waiting.

I'll go for the fanmeeting now, just leave me the latest condition about her, I'll read soon.

She gasped, finger scrolling more to the previous texts, only to see the same type of messages from him. The countless words of is she okay?, How is she today?, Does she eat? and Please make sure she sleeps well meet her eyes.

She blinked her eyes, only to realize that she has been tearing up once again.

She admits, that she feels disappointed when he never leave her message and call once they fought. It has been almost two months. She thought that he really doesn't care. She also assumed that they have broke up in silence.

But that's before, not after she knows that he has been watching her, but with other's help. Not after she knows that he is updated with her condition every single day.

It maybe sound like a stalker for someone else, but for her, that is one of the main reason why she falls in love with him, even before.

Being a smart person, she quickly marked the messages as unread, before placing the phone neatly at the original spot.

She scooted away from the couch, laying back on the floor, teary eyes stared at the ceiling, at the same time the door opened, revealing Yerim and Seulgi who are oblivious with the leader's clenched heart.

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