💜 A Year 💜

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Jungri angst + fluff

Jungkook walked back and forth in his room, glancing at his phone which placed on the table for each step.

"Jungkook, can you sit down, or do anything instead of walking around like a mad man?" Taehyung asked, still scrolling his phone on the younger's bed. "I'm getting annoyed."

"You can get out anytime, hyung. I never invited you into my room at the first place." Jungkook said, frowning slightly.

Taehyung pouted, eyes faking hurt expression. "I'm hurting." He mumbled.

The younger rolled his eyes, before finally taking a seat on his bed, ruffling his hair.

"Yerim is fine. Joohyun told me to inform you." Taehyung muttered, suddenly become serious.

Jungkook looked at him for a second. He is more than grateful that her members understand him, and willingly report her current condition to him.

"Seriously, why don't you call her, or meet her yourself? I mean— you're not fighting or what, so there is no reason why you can't do that." The older asked, eyes finally taken away from the phone.

He meets Jungkook's concern eyes, and his own heart clenched seeing his brother in the mess.

"I—" Jungkook looked away. "I'm scared."

Taehyung flashed him a weird look. He didn't expect this kind of answer at all.

"I'm afraid if she would break down in front of me. I—I can't stand it watching her like that. I can't bare doing nothing except for watching her tears flowing down. I want to stop her from crying so badly, but I can never do it, because I myself will crack down when I see her in that state." He blurted out, eyes glistening with tears already.

Taehyung's mouth slightly opened. He never know that Yerim is the maknae's weakest spot. He knows that the female is somewhat really important to Jungkook— just really, but he never really know that Jungkook's whole world is Yerim.

"Look," Taehyung muttered, shifting away from the pillow to stop beside the younger. "You don't have to stop her from crying. You don't have to make her happy. You don't have to be strong just because you want her to follow your steps."

Jungkook looked up, an eyebrow raised up at Taehyung's words.

"You just need to be there for her. You just need to cry together with her. You just need to share your feelings together. That's all." He continued, smiling reassuringly.

Jungkook breathed deeply, thinking about the older's deep meaning of words.

"Come on. Call her or do something beneficial. She must need someone right now. Just cry together with her if that's what you want. I bet it that she doesn't mind. She just need your presence and your shoulders to lean on." Taehyung patted his shoulder.

Jungkook watched him as he picked up the younger's phone from the table, before handing it to him.

Jungkook took it, and Taehyung flashed him one more smile before walking out from the room.

Jungkook looked at his phone, heaving a sigh to comfort himself. "That's right. She needs me."


Yerim entered the dorm, head hanging loosely, staring at the floor all the way.

She heard her members' footsteps behind her, and she didn't bother to mutter a slow goodnight before stepping inside her room.

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