❤️ Coffee Prince ❤️

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VRene fluff + JungRi short moments to start and end the story.

"Welcome to our cafe." Jungkook greeted the beautiful figure who just entered the cafe. His jaw dropped at her overflowing visual.

Before he could stare at her any longer, a hand already smacked his head from behind.

"What the heck, Jeon Jungkook. Stop staring at the customer. She will get uncomfortable." Yerim said before walking pass him to the customer's table to send their orders.

"Hmphh, just admit that you're jealous." Jungkook muttered slowly.


The blonde male pressed a few buttons in the machine.

"May I have one caramel macchiato with extra whipped cream?" The voice spoke up.

He smiled without looking at the customer, tapping her order in the machine.

"It will be only 5 dollar and 60 cents, miss. Cash or credit?" He replied as he looked up, meeting her eyes.

She is the most beautiful person that he met in this world.

Their eye contact broke as the girl looked down to search for the money in her purse.

Taehyung quickly looked away, ignoring his loud heartbeat in his chest.

The girl gave the cashes to him, smiling sweetly.

"Please wait for a few minutes, miss." Taehyung bowed to her.

She nodded before leaving the counter and pick a couple seat beside the glass wall.

Taehyung watched her as she took out the pink laptop from her bag, placing it on the table.

Shaking his head, he quickly looked away to treat another customers.


It has been 2 hours since the girl sat there, and Taehyung just can't help to keep glancing on her.

The cup is already empty, which means she has finished her drink.

The cafe is about to close, since the time has reached 9.45 p.m. All the workers already left to their own houses.

Taehyung is the owner of the cafe, so he always becomes the last person to lock the cafe.

The female doesn't look like aware with her surrounding, since she is only focusing on her laptop.

She is probably working on something important, since her flawless face has been covered with a frown since then.

After making two cups of hot coffee, he made his way to her. The girl startled when he placed a cup at side of her.

"Well, can I join?" He asked carefully, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.

The girl looked flustered before finally replied. "Sure."


"What are you working on? Did I distract you?" Taehyung asked.

"Not at all. I'm managing my company's business." She answered it with a smile.

Company... so she must be a rich person.

His own thought made himself felt somehow bitter.

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