💜 Regret 💜

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Jungri angst

"I've told you that I don't have any feeling to you now. Just leave!" Jungkook yelled to the brown haired girl.

Yerim turned her head at the hangover soup which she cooked special for him, but just got wasted, spilling on the floor.

The tears gathered in her eyes, as she recalled the last night scene.

"Jungkook, what happened? You never come back drunk before." She gasped as the drunk man stepped in, completely unaware that he was still wearing his shoes.

Yerim quickly linked his right arm around her neck, supporting him to walk, but only to get a harsh push from him.

"Get away from me! You slut." He glared at her.

"Slut? Why did you---"

Jungkook walked away before she could finish her words.

Standing up, she looked at his back worriedly, afraid if he might trip on the stair.

She comforted her own self, repeating the same words,

"He is just stress, Yerim. Nothing to be worried."

Again, she shook her head, pushing the negative thought from her mind.

"Jeon Jungkook. What is it? Is this april fool? Haha, I know it." She chuckled.

With that, her cheek got the hard slap, and her head thrown to her right.

She froze, waiting for herself to wake up from the nightmare.

But yeah, this isn't a nightmare.

She slowly turned her head to him, her eyes full of questions.

"What did I even do to get this treat from you?" She asked, shaking.

That eyes.

The eyes is still full of love and care.

But it is covered with a cloud of anger.

Who did this to you, Jeon Jungkook?

"I don't know how I get fooled by you before. You're such a burden to me. I'm blind before but not now." He said, looking away from her.

"Are you sure?" She held the pain in her heart.


So hurt.

"Of course. You even cheat behind me. Do you think I don't know?" He glared once again.

"What do you mean?"

"The man that always bring you home. What his name again? Jaehoon? Jaehyun? The heck, I don't even care." He said, crossing his arms on his chest.

Jaehyun? Dr Jung?

"Don't give me any excuse, Yerim. Everytime I asked you for a date, you will give me so many reasons. Such as I'm a dumb." He continued, only making her heart more broken.

"It is because--" She stopped, looking down.

"See. You can't even tell me the reason." He smirked.

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