💚 Behind The Scene 💚

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Joyjin fluff

Staring at her own reflection on the mirror, her heart started beating uncontrollably. She kept imagine something bad, and those really effect her confidence for her filming.

"Sooyoung, are you okay?" Joohyun stepped into her room, straight to her bed to have a seat.

"Unnie," Sooyoung turned her body to Joohyun out of a sudden, making her almost jumped off the bed. The older hummed, signalling her to continue.

"What if I mess up for today filming? I never imagined kissing him before this." She asked.

A soft chuckle slipped out from Joohyun. She finally know what made the younger spacing out since yesterday night.

"You've kissed Dohwan in your drama before, why can't now?" She asked.

The younger's cheeks flushed a red, as she remembered the passionate kiss that she shared with the famous actor before.

"But this is totally different. He is a worldwide boy group member. I bet that his fans will start hating me once this episode aired. Besides---"

"You hit a crush on him." Joohyun interrupted her words.

She heaved a deep sigh. That's what she thought before she got this drama offer. Little by little, she noticed that she also delivered some romantic feeling to him when they became closer after a few filming sessions.

"Sooyoung, there is no need to be worry. You've done well in your drama before this, so just keep it up. This will gonna end soon. If you get hate after that, you have us with you, always." Joohyun gave her an advice.

Sooyoung smiled at her, feeling grateful to get such a understanding member with her. They shared a hug, before their manager knocked the door to get their attentions.


"Seokjin, if you afraid to kiss her fully because of your fans, you can only kiss the spot between her nose and upper lips, but make sure to cover it professionally." The director gave some advices to him.

Sooyoung's cheeks automatically flushed a dark red, flustered by the thought of it. She immediately pushed the thought away.

She needs to be a proffessional.

They checked the script once again, before getting into the set. They're currently shooting at the beach, and it is really cold.

"An, action!"

"Why did you want to meet me here?" Sooyoung asked, meeting Seokjin's eyes. She gritted her teeth, feeling nervous.

"I've to warn you something." He said, staring deeply into her eyes. Her heart fluttered, but she ignored it, only thinking about the acting.

"Do you, really like him?" He asked.

Sooyoung scoffed, feeling irritated. "So what? So what if I like him? It's not like you care! Wait, you never care, even before." She said sarcastically.

"Who said?" He walked towards her, step by step. "Who said it?!"

"You're the one who left me first. Enough showing your fake love--"

She got pulled by her wrist, and his big hand went to the back of her head, before pressing his lips onto hers. She was shocked, really speechless.

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