💜 Truth Part III 💜

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Jungkook woke up from his sleep, only to see a notification in his phone which made him wide awake.

Are you busy? Can we meet in XXX cafe at 11 in the morning?

He ended up cursing himself for setting an alarm later than the usual.

He misses her so bad. He suffered for all these days. Not meeting, hugging and kissing her, it is a torture for him.

He took a quick bath, before dressing himself in Yerim's favourite style. He also doesn't forget to spray musk perfume which is also her favourite scent before driving to the cafe.

He is like so excited— really excited. His heart is finally beating again at the thought of meeting her after a few months.

He parked his car right in front of the cafe. Wearing the disguise, he was about to exit his car when she messaged him once again.

I'm really sorry, but my manager suddenly informed me that I've a sudden schedule. I actually bring a friend with me, and she already arrived. Can you bring her home? Thank you, and I'm sorry.

He felt like his heart dropped. The excitement exited from him in a blink of eyes.

"Maybe not today, Jungkook. It's okay." He comforted himself, remembering that he has someone to fetch.

He stepped out from his car, making sure that no one is paying attention to him before making his way inside the cafe.

He looked around. There aren't so much customer here, and he assumed that a girl sitting alone at the corner is Yerim's friend.

Weird, why would she bring a friend when she wanted to meet me?

He thought as he walked to the female. She is back facing him, but he is quite sure that she is an idol from her clothes and hair.

"Hello, are you Yerim's friend?" He greeted, feeling quite embarrassed since he is not good with female except for Yerim.

Once he saw her eyes, he immediately froze, since he knows exactly who is the owner of the eyes.

This must be a dream.

"Oh, hello. Did Yerim send you here? She should have arrived a few minutes ago." Jieun asked.

She looked at Jungkook who is only staring at her, and she made a mental note that it is a rude behaviour of hers to ask without any greeting.

"Sit down first." She said, pointing at the chair in front of her.

Jungkook blinked his eyes before sitting there, still can't believe his own eyes.

"I'm Lee Jieun. Or maybe you know as IU." She introduced.

Jungkook quickly snapped out. "I-I'm Jungkook from BTS."

Jieun gasped hearing the famous name. "That's why I think I've seen you somewhere. I don't know that you're a close friend of Yerim." She said friendly.

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