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Jungri fluff

"I'm sorry, little kid. I can't make times for--"

"Mom, please stop saying sorry. I know you're that busy." Yerim said, sighing secretly. "And I'm not little kid anymore."

"Well, you're still my little baby." Her mother chuckled before Yerim could hear a voice calling her mother in rush.

"Mom, you gotta go. Your patients are waiting." Yerim said, before both of them biding goodbye and love to each other.

Hanging up the call, Yerim slipped her phone in her pocket and her hands stayed in it to have some heats in this cold weather.

She looked around, watching her schoolmates laughing at each other jokes, walking together to only-them-knows-where and some pairs of couples holding hands probably going to have a date.

Don't get she wrong, she is a lovely person, at least she credits herself for that. She has a wide range of friends here, no matter what age, but she gets quite used in walking alone since she born in a family of two including her busy mother.

So, that's it.

It has been quite a lot of times that her mother can't make it home and she needs to sleep alone in the big house. Especially that people tend to get cold in winter and it just happens that her mother is an active doctor, so she has no choice than getting along with it.

Entering the convenience store, she greeted the young boy who is working as a cashier. She has been quite close with all the part-time cashiers here and almost memorise their shifts, well. Maybe it is because most of them are in her age and this store is one of the closest place around her house.

Grabbing a bowl of instant noodle and kimbap, she pays for the foods while waiting for the noodles to cook.

"Hey," The cashier named Doyoung greeted. "Your mom?"

"As always." Yerim shrugged, face almost not showing any expression since she does not know what to feel.

It is not like in korean drama where rich teenagers do not get enough love and attention from their parents after all. Yerim gets all the loves from her mother, so she never really feel lonely at home since once her mother is home, they will spend times together for all the seconds exist.

"Enjoy." Doyoung handed the well-cooked instand noodles to her, and she can't hide the bright star in her eyes as she takes the bowl.

"Thank you, youngie." She quickly takes a seat before enjoying her noodles.


"Welcome." Doyoung greeted and looked up at the customer, only to see a handsome figure wearing a yellow uniform, and he quietly noted where does this customer studying at.

The boy nodded slightly at his greeting before going straight to take a few foods and pay it. He then walks to the table bar, only to see a girl wearing his rival school uniform sleeping so peacefully on one of the stool with her head on the bar.

He frowned, since this is his first time seeing a student especially a girl, sleeping in the freaking convenience store.

Taking a seat next two stools from her, he slurps the noodles deliciously, while watching the view outside with people going back from work.

He flinched when the sleeping girl suddenly woke up in surprise as she let out a loud shriek.

"Wait, it is--" He unconsciously watched the girl observing her watch before her eyes went wide. "Dead, I'm freaking dead. It is 7 already, I mean it is 7!"

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