💜 Truth Part II 💜

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"Unnie, I've arrived. Where should I go now?" Yerim said to the other line, as she stepped out from the cab after muttering a slow thank you to the driver.

She looked at the building right in front of her, Loen Entertaiment.

"Third floor? Oh, okay." She said after getting a response from the other line.

She ended the call before walking across the road. Getting inside the building, the cold breeze from the air conditioner hit her face.

Yerim shivered, as she continued her way to the counter. She asked for a help, and after getting the right answer, she made her way to the lift.

She feels quite excited, since this is the first time she comes here.

After finding a right door, she knocked it a few times, receiving a response from inside. She opened the door, revealing Jieun who is sitting on the chair in front of the computer.

They have become a really close friend after the encounter in Melon Music Award. Surprising enough, it is Jieun who contacted Yerim first. They found many chemistries between them, and decided to continue their friendship.

"Good morning unnie. I bought your favourite strawberry cheese cake." Yerim greeted cheerfully, stepping inside.

Jieun chuckled. "Put it on the table there. You can sit here." She said, referring to the chair beside her.

Yerim followed her instruction. She settled herself on the chair until she feels comfortable.

"So where is the audio that you wanted me to hear?" Jieun asked, remembering the younger about her real intention here.

"Oh, here." She took out a pen drive from her pocket, handing it to the older.

Yerim is literally learning how to compose song and write lyrics from Jieun, alongside with Ragoon. She is very glad to have Jieun as her friend.


"If you changed this note to C chord, I think it will come out better." Jieun advised, repeating the instrumental in the computer.

Yerim nodded, writing the notes in her notebook.

"So we have done. Let's eat the cake now. I can smell the cake from here." Jieun said, ejecting the pen drive.

"Thank you, unnie. I will use the tips." Yerim said, before taking the cake on the table.

"My pleasure. It is nice to meet a young idol who has interest in writing song like you." She said, taking a fork that Yerim handed to her.

They both enjoyed the cake while talking about random topics.

"Are you dating someone?" Jieun asked, and Yerim nearly choke at the question.

The older raised an eyebrow teasingly, waiting for her answer.

Yerim chuckled awkwardly, not knowing what to answer.

She is in an on-off relationship. She didn't know if it already ended, but she is sure it is almost.

"Why did you ask?" She replied with a question.

There is no way she gonna lie to her. But still, her relationship status is too complicated to explain, especially that Jieun is also the main character in it.

"Well, I heard the song that you composed with Ragoon. And it is not a simple love song. It has experiences in it." Jieun said, grinning.

Yerim smiled bitterly. "Um, I am. But it is somehow complicated. Seems like it didn't work for us."

Jieun studied her face, and immediately knows that she doesn't want to talk about it.

"How about unnie?" Yerim turned the question.

"I'm not interested for any relationship now. I've not found a right man, and I just feel like working for now." She answered.

Yerim was taken aback for a while. It should be her that need to focus on working. Jieun has more experience than her, but she is the one that worry about that more than her.

At least Jungkook is successful, and there is no way for him to get forgotten and buried in the ground. While there is she, with a tail of haters and her unskillful talents.

"But what if you finally find your soulmate?" Yerim asked again.

"Then I will just accept the destiny. After all, I'm 26." Jieun responded.

"Do you prefer older or younger?"

Jieun chuckled at the question. "I would like to answer both."

Continue in the next part.

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